30 Day snap #5 Packing!

Well hello my fellow reader chums!

Today as you can tell by the title I spent the day packing! Such fun! You probably think its for a holiday, however I'm packing as were moving house on the 11th. Its going to be a really strange experience because I've never moved house before as I've lived here my entirely life! A big change is definitely on the cards! I have mixed emotions about this new house as I've never lived anywhere different and I don't know what to expect. I'm lucky to say its still in the area I live in so it won't be that big of a change!

I've already filled up a whole suitcase and this is only half of my clothes! I've come to the conclusion that I actually own a LOT of clothes..
Need to carry on packing tomorrow, still have all my other clothes to pack and everything else in my room, so I'll  be busy, busy, busy!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! <3


  1. Hi, I've nominated you in the Liebster Award tag. Read my post to find out more and get your questions! xx


  2. hope you have a good trip!!

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC?
    Let me know! :-)
    - Janine


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