Well hello to you my reader chums! With the uncertainty the world is in right now, travelling is at the back of everyone's minds and is something, a lot of us are dreaming about when things settle down. Travel is my biggest passion and it's breaking my heart seeing the world in so much turmoil. I'm currently dreaming of a time where travel becomes the norm again, adventure isn't scary and experience of new cultures is everything - and I can set out to do what my heart desires.
Times like this show how strong humanity and the world is, with people coming together and helping each other out. Despite the horrible circumstances that are going on, the uncertain period is making me reminisce on my travels and appreciate the cultures I have experienced - and be thankful I could do them at a time when things were safe.
Whilst there are more important things to worry about right now and focus on keeping safe, it's also important to focus on your future, your goals and more positive thoughts - and that's why you should keep planning your future travels.
It's important to remember that this shall pass, like any bad event, thought or experience. There will be a time, maybe in a few months or a few years when we look back and realise we got through it and came out stronger as a society.
Whether you're a travel lover like me or would like to explore the world more, here's why you should keep planning your travels.
It's something good to focus on
Whether you're self-isolating on your own or with your family, this period can be quite lonely for us all and it throws us out of whack from our normal routines - which can make us lose sight of the positive things that are going on in our lives. From your family, your friends to the little things that make every day better, they're the happy things you're focusing on now. But, once things are settled and life is back to normal, you can fill it with plans and the bigger things once more - and that'll give you something good to focus on if the little things aren't enough.
There's so much of the world to see
Travel makes my heart soar and there is so much of the world I still want to see. I'd like to ride a train between Kandy and Ella in Sri Lanka, venture around more of Scandinavia, trek up the hills in Sapa and backpack around Indonesia - my list goes on and on. I believe everyone should experience the joy of travel, whether it's a few days in a new city or a few months backpacking around.
Don't let fear rule your life
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear and a saying I live my life by. Although there is so much fear going on right now, there is hope - and the hope is what we need to have to think about what happens after lockdown - and the future plans that will go ahead. Even though there's a fear to travel again, it shouldn't hinder you from doing so.
Planning is fun
During a period where a lot of us are stumped for ideas on how we should occupy our time best, making future plans is an exciting prospect - and gives you something to look forward to. Search up travel ideas, itineraries, places to stay, blog posts and get reading - and inspired! You'll find plenty of places you can't resist but see and have a bucket list long before you know it.
Life is too short
At a time of crisis, many of us are panicking and thinking negative thoughts. However, life really is too short to be feeling that way. Appreciate the now and look forward to what you want to do and it'll make you realise what's important.
I hope you enjoyed this post. Where are you thinking of planning to go next?
Thank you for reading <3
It's important to remember that this shall pass, like any bad event, thought or experience. There will be a time, maybe in a few months or a few years when we look back and realise we got through it and came out stronger as a society.
Whether you're a travel lover like me or would like to explore the world more, here's why you should keep planning your travels.
It's something good to focus on
Whether you're self-isolating on your own or with your family, this period can be quite lonely for us all and it throws us out of whack from our normal routines - which can make us lose sight of the positive things that are going on in our lives. From your family, your friends to the little things that make every day better, they're the happy things you're focusing on now. But, once things are settled and life is back to normal, you can fill it with plans and the bigger things once more - and that'll give you something good to focus on if the little things aren't enough.
There's so much of the world to see
Travel makes my heart soar and there is so much of the world I still want to see. I'd like to ride a train between Kandy and Ella in Sri Lanka, venture around more of Scandinavia, trek up the hills in Sapa and backpack around Indonesia - my list goes on and on. I believe everyone should experience the joy of travel, whether it's a few days in a new city or a few months backpacking around.
Don't let fear rule your life
Hope is the only thing stronger than fear and a saying I live my life by. Although there is so much fear going on right now, there is hope - and the hope is what we need to have to think about what happens after lockdown - and the future plans that will go ahead. Even though there's a fear to travel again, it shouldn't hinder you from doing so.
Planning is fun
During a period where a lot of us are stumped for ideas on how we should occupy our time best, making future plans is an exciting prospect - and gives you something to look forward to. Search up travel ideas, itineraries, places to stay, blog posts and get reading - and inspired! You'll find plenty of places you can't resist but see and have a bucket list long before you know it.
Life is too short
At a time of crisis, many of us are panicking and thinking negative thoughts. However, life really is too short to be feeling that way. Appreciate the now and look forward to what you want to do and it'll make you realise what's important.
I hope you enjoyed this post. Where are you thinking of planning to go next?
Thank you for reading <3