The realities of being a freelance copywriter and how you're not defined by a low period

 Well hello to you my reader chums! As many of you may know, I've been a freelance copywriter for nearly two years and love every minute. I can't lie, running a freelance writing business isn't easy and it's not for the faint-hearted, but the rewards outweigh the hardships. I'm writing this on a cold January day and I'm in the midst of a tricky period, like many other freelancers I know.

I want to write an honest post, stepping away from the glossy 'get rich overnight' statements I see all over social media from other freelancers. There is money in running a successful online business and you can 'make it', yet it takes years of hard work, networking and building relevant and useful connections. 

Here's your reminder: being a freelance copywriter is HARD and you're not defined about how good you are by a low/quiet period.

If you're considering starting a freelance writing business or feel alone in a quiet period, here's my guide to the realities of a business owner. 

The realities of being a freelance copywriter and how you're not defined by a low period

The realities of being a freelance copywriter 

Running a business can be challenging. It isn't always celebratory moments and highs. There are risks, challenging moments and following up on emails time and time again before work comes your way. These are my top realities and reminders:

You'll constantly be following up on enquiries/previous connections

I don't know how much time I spent emailing previous people I've connected or worked with to check in, see how they are and if they have any opportunities. As a freelancer, you'll see loads of opportunities on social media, in-person or land in your inbox but it doesn't mean they're yours or the time is right to book you in.

With that in mind, you'll spend a lot of time sending emails to enquire and to previous connections, asking for updates or seeing if they have opportunities. I'm terrible in sorting out a better process to save time and follow up on relevant opportunities'. I keep a list on my Trello board of previous enquiries I've had or past projects/retainer clients and email every few months to check in and see if there's any update.

LinkedIn posts 'looking for a copywriter' will have a million replies

If you're a freelance copywriter, you'll understand the pain when you see a 'looking for a copywriter' opportunity on LinkedIn and notice that there are 100+ replies and likes. This can be heartbreaking, especially if it's an opportunity you love the sound of and can see yourself working on that project. 

It is one of the biggest, hard-hitting realities but don't let it put you off. I try and search every morning and even if the posts have an insane amount of replies, I still comment and connect with that person, as you never know, you may get a reply. It is best if they add an email address as you can bring that enquiry away from the platform, but most of the time that doesn't happen.

The freelance panic is REAL.

Freelance panic isn't the one but it is a real thing. Even friends who run their businesses for years still experience this level of panic. It is normal, especially during quiet times, such as January. I would describe the freelance panic as worrying (probably too excessively) that no work will come in again or I'll find no opportunities. 

It's normal to experience this but please try not to let it overwhelm you. You will find work, it's about knowing where to source it and building up a community around you.

It's not normal to always be available.

The reality of running a freelance business is you think you need to be available at all times to gain opportunities and make the most money. This is untrue - yes, being available all the time can help you find work, but it can lead to burnout and losing respect for yourself. You need to have boundaries and limits to how you work, and the right clients will respect that.

You are still being productive if you're not doing client work

There's more to running a business than client work. Consider the admin, dealing with enquiries, searching for work,  accounting, marketing, networking and building a community. Most of the time, the only thing you'll be paid for is the actual client work you complete. This is why it's important to have rates high enough to reflect your work quality, but also account for the days you spend doing all these other tasks. Just because you're not doing client work it doesn't mean you're not productive. Every little thing you do adds to your overall business success.

Getting reviews can seem impossible

One of the ways to gain new clients is to have glowing reviews from previous work by people who have hired you or you've collaborated with. In reality though, gaining reviews is hard. Some clients will be willing and some, will ignore your emails for weeks and still never write a review. Keep pestering and following up with this though as it can help with your credibility and overall recognition as a fab copywriter. 

Avoid guaranteeing enquiries until a contract is signed 

This is a toxic trait of mine but a massive reality as I think many freelancers like myself get over excited when a big enquiry lands in our inbox and we assume it's already ours. I say avoid this as much as you can but honestly, it's hard. You want to book that job and succeed and it feels like every enquiry you get, deserves to be yours. 

How you're not defined by a low period

Low periods in freelancing are normal.

Being a freelancer is a constant rollercoaster and you're not always going to be in a high period and that's okay. 

Even the most successful freelance copywriters have low periods. They'll have moments with open slots in their books and need a new project to come in.

You're not alone and it will get better. It doesn't define you.

The main thing to do is consistently show up in person, search for opportunities and stay active in the community, online and in person every day. 

You are not a failure. You're experiencing a blip right now. It doesn't define your career.

(Kind of an AD - my e-book from my freelance writing business) If you're starting out as a freelance writer, I've written an E-book, 'How to start out as a freelance writer', sharing my best advice and step-by-step guide on what to do. 

I hope you enjoyed consistently this post. What advice would you add?

Thank you for reading <3

The power of rest - how to apply it to your life

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Hands up if you always need to do something productive - that's me. It's the perfectionist and people-pleaser in me; I always thought I needed to do something productive to be and feel successful and fulfilled. 

The power of rest - how to apply it to your life

Over the last few years, I've focused more on relaxing and how to do just that. It may sound odd as many people can naturally relax and enjoy it, whereas I would struggle, thinking I could use that time to do something more productive.

If you struggle to relax or are looking to prioritise rest more, here are my tips on how to apply the power of rest to your life.

Figure out how you can relax and ensure you add it to your day

Everyone relaxes differently as all our our brains are wired uniquely. Whether relaxing to you is reading a book, napping, watching TV or calming exercise, figure out how you like to relax. For me, being cosy on the sofa with a book in hand or watching a show I adore is how I relax, eating something delicious food. Whatever way is your version of relaxing, try and add it to your routine daily or weekly to wind down and take a step out from the busyness of life.

Practice positive affirmations when negative self-talk takes over

For me, sometimes when I try to relax and rest, my brain will tell me 'I'm being lazy' or 'I should be doing more'. I hate when my brain does this but to combat it, positive affirmations work a treat. I tell myself 'Rest is good for my mind and body', 'rest is important' and 'I deserve to rest'. These phrases help rest and relax become a lot easier for me.

Have designated times a day and in the week to rest

When life is crazy busy, whether with work, social obligations or fun plans, we can sometimes forget or not have time to dedicate to resting and relaxing. Every week, look at your plan and schedule as much rest and relaxation as you think is necessary for you. I like to have time each day to unwind and if it's an extra hectic week, a day on the weekend to take it easy.

Understand resting helps you recharge - and is essential

We know our devices can't function without being charged regularly - this is the same with our minds and bodies. We need to regularly rest and recharge to ensure we can function properly and effectively - and feel our best selves. The more you tell yourself that you need to rest and recharge and how essential it is, the more you'll prioritise it.

Embrace days off and bad mental health moments

Feeling down, sad or having a bad mental health day is normal. Learning and telling yourself it is okay, that's another lesson. I've recently tried to embrace days off and bad mental health moments and know they're normal. Know they will pass and you will feel better again. With this mindset, you can care for your mind and body easier.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What would you add?

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First time travellers - everything you should know and prepare for

 Well hello to you my reader chums! As many of you know, travelling is my biggest passion in life; I love nothing more than jetting off somewhere new or researching and booking a trip. I've spent all of my twenties so far prioritising travel and planning trips, and with that comes lessons I've learned and wisdom to share.

First time travellers - everything you should know and prepare

If you're new to travelling, going on your first holiday as an adult or keen to plan a trip, here is my guide to everything you should know and prepare as a first-time traveller.

Know your budgets and timeframe

Every trip is different and every traveller is different. Some people have the budget for lavish holidays for longer periods and others are on a smaller budget. I've always travelled on a budget, ensuring I could visit more places, more often, rather than go to more expensive destinations. However as I've got older, I've started to spend a little more on holidays, with bigger budgets. I can imagine if you're a first-time traveller and young, you may be on the lower end of the budget scale which is more than doable. Set your budget, pick your time frame and begin your research for your desired destination with the budget in mind. 

Check visa and entry requirements

Every country has different visa and entry requirements across the world and when you've decided on a destination, research what these are. If you do it as soon as possible, you'll have more than enough time to apply for visas or fill out entry forms before your trip. You don't want to leave any of these down to the last minute because you'll only cause excess anxiety and worry.

Research, research, research

Research is key with travelling, especially when you're going somewhere new. Every country has its cultural norms and top things to see and do. The more you research and gauge an understanding of the destination you're visiting, the easier it can be to book activities, tours, and excursions and create an itinerary for your trip. It can also help with knowing which attractions you need to book in advance and an estimated amount of spending money based on what you'd like to do.

Booking independently vs package holidays

There are two ways to book your holiday and the pros and cons to each, either booking independently or booking a package holiday. Booking independently includes booking the flights and accommodation directly, usually on a flight website (after doing a comparison search on Skyscanner) and accommodation on websites, such as, or HostelWorld. If you like to have more of a choice and do the research and planning yourself, then booking independently may be for you.

A package holiday is what it says on the tin: booking a trip where flights and accommodation are booked together for one price (and usually transfers are included too). Many first-time travellers use this option for ease and stress-free experience, as it's down to a travel agent to organise the trip for you.

Check-in your flights (the difference)

Checking in for a flight can be done online via the airline's website. You'll need to use your confirmation number and email usually to locate your booking and can go from there to check in the flight, adding your passport number and personal details. You can also add in any extra extras here, such as food. Check-in online can open between 30 days to 24 hours before depending on the airline you've chosen and if it's short haul/long haul. Your airline will let you know when online check-in is open. You can also check in at the airport, however, leaving it until then can be a little stressful in case the airport is busy and you can't check in on time.  

Pack like a pro

Mastering the skill of packing can take time and I don't think many people do it efficiently on your first go, however, keeping these tips in mind will help.

My best packing tips include:

  • Use packing cubes - it can help you organise each type of item in your luggage
  • Roll up clothing to fit more in your suitcase
  • Wear your heaviest clothing
  • Look at what you've packed and remove unnecessary items
  • Write a packing list to prevent you from forgetting anything
Difference between cabin and hold luggage

When you fly to a destination, you'll have the option of cabin and hold luggage. Cabin luggage is what you bring with you when you get on the plane and hold luggage is the luggage you check in and goes in the back of the plane. With cabin luggage, you'll generally have cabin-size a small bag included and have to pay for a cabin-size suitcase. Hold luggage options can vary in size and weight too. Every airline will have its rules on the size and weight that's allowed for cabin bags and hold bags - ensure you check that before getting to the airport. 

Getting through the airport advice

Getting through the airport can be overwhelming for your first time, especially if you're travelling at peak season. These are some things to keep mindful of when going through the airport

  • Go to the airport check-in desk first if checking in hold luggage
  • Head towards security, putting your bags through 
  • Enjoy the airport - grab some food and shop duty-free
  • Wait until your gate number appears on the screen and head to the gate
  • The airline crew will check your boarding pass and passport, letting you on the plane

I hope you enjoyed this post. When is your first trip?

Thank you for reading <3

Caring for your mental health in winter

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Caring for my mental health has always been my biggest priority and as I've gotten older, I've become a lot better at it, learning to apply suitable boundaries for me and what works for my body and mind. I find winter in particular, a difficult time for my mental health, as I'm more likely to feel low mood, depressed and lack motivation.

If you struggle with your mental health in the winter months and are unsure what to do, here are my best tips on caring for your mind.

Caring for your mental health in winter

Add fun activities to your agenda

There should be fun in every day, even if it's the littlest of moments. Adding fun activities to your agenda throughout the week can bring you moments of fun and excitement to boost your mood. Everyone has different explanations of what fun is to them, whether that's baking a cake, booking social plans or watching your favourite TV show. Whatever the activity, adding them to your daily and weekly agenda will give you things to look forward to.

Find the little things which feel our cup

We all have little things that fill our cups, whether a phone call with your best friend, a slice of cake or reading a book. Every person functions differently and learning what joys make your heart smile and boost your mood is key to caring for your mental health, especially in the low moments.

Write a gratitude list every day

I speak about gratitude incredibly often because it has been the key to creating a positive mindset and helping me appreciate the little things in life, and fall in love with my life more. Writing a daily gratitude list can help you spot and appreciate the good parts of your day. Even if it's a bad day, you can always find good things that happened, such as the food you ate or your warm bed.

Embrace the power of rest and slowing down

This is a lesson I've been trying to get better at this past year especially, as I'm someone who constantly needs to be productive and tick things off my to-do list. If you're not feeling okay, know it's okay to rest your body and mind as that can help you feel better overall. We should learn what our body needs and know when it's time for us to slow down, embracing our energy levels. Living more intuitively, overall can positively impact your mental health.

Get out and about every day

Such a simple piece of advice, yet a powerful one. Fresh air and vitamin D are important for our physical and mental health, helping boost our mood. Getting out and about should be a daily activity, whether it's running errands or for a walk around the block.

Lean on loved ones when you're not feeling 100%

We're not always going to feel our best selves and that's okay. If you're not feeling great, it's okay to lean on others. Speaking to someone can solve the problem and release stored emotions, helping you overall. A loved one can be a listening ear, help you with a certain task or advise as you need. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. What would you add to the list?

Thank you for reading <3

Favourite books of 2024

 Well hello to you my reader chums! There's no doubt in 2024, reading was at the top of my priority list and I've had the pleasure of reading some incredible books, from gripping thrillers to great biographies and murder mysteries. 

If you're looking for some new reads, here are my favourite books of the year and the best recommendations. 

Favourite books of 2024

The Maid by Nita Prose 

I love murder mysteries and 'who-done-it' novels in all forms, either really thick layered plots or humorous, lighter reads. The Maid is the second, a light, funny read about a murder mystery plot. Molly the Maid works in the Regency Grand Hotel and isn't like the regular person, struggling with social skills and the intentions of others. The plot follows the death of a famous, wealthy guest, Mr Black found in the hotel and the unwind of who did it.

I loved this book in many ways because it was honest and innocent, told through Molly's eyes and how she sees the world. It showed the importance of friendship, work life, the connections you make, and who always has your back.

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

Gillian Flynn is a brilliant author and I absolutely adore her novels; she has a skill for crafting insane thrillers. I've read two outstanding novels of her this year, Sharp Objects and Dark Places. Sharp Objects follows Camille returning to her hometown to cover a story about a missing girl, a place of her neurotic mother and half-sister she barely knows.

This is one of those books that I was hooked on from page one and didn't want to put down. The twists and narratives were constantly changing which added to the overall suspense.   

The Last Thing to Burn by Will Dean

Some books can break my heart and this was one of those books, that I actually read in two sittings. Set on an isolated farm, the novel follows a woman trapped by her abuser for seven years and her desperation to get away. The book describes her daily motions as 'Jane' and how she has to obey this abuser and the horrific things which happen if she doesn't. When she falls pregnant, she has an even bigger push to escape.

My heart was in my mouth the whole time I read this book as I felt all the pain and emotion for this poor woman. I wanted nothing more for her to escape and live a better life. It paints a picture of the horrible instances of trafficking people and what can happen to them. The language was quite simple, yet the pace and heartbreak of the book are what kept me engaged.

The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley

Lucy Foley is my favourite crime thriller author as I adore every single one of her books, including The Hunting Party, The Guest List and The Paris Apartment. I was incredibly excited when The Midnight Feast came out and read quickly, lapping at the story. This novel follows the opening night of The Manor, with no expense spared, however, the night goes from bad to worse with old friends and enemies circulating among the guests. Then a body is discovered and the mystery begins.

I adored this book in so many ways. One thing Foley does incredibly well is crafting unique characters and personalities and cleverly winding their paths together. I liked the build-up of the plot, the introduction of everyone's stories and how they came together in the end, revealing the mystery.

Period Power by Maisie Hill

One of my biggest passions is holistic health and learning more about how my body works and how I can prioritise a healthy way of living to care for my menstrual cycle. Period Power is a practical blueprint for aligning daily life with the menstrual cycle, giving women an explanation of what happens to our hormones every month and how we can use them to our advantage.

This book changed my life and was incredibly fascinating in many ways. It's the first time I've ever felt seen as a woman and understood more of how my body works. I learned a lot about hormones, diet and what to expect at each phase of my cycle. Every woman and person with a uterus NEEDS to read this book.

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

This has got to be one of the darkest books I've ever read, yet I was completely addicted to it all the way through. This book follows Sally Diamond and her strange behaviour, and she can't understand why what she did was so strange. She always did what her father told her and when he died, she put him out with the rubbish, just like he told her.

This book is odd yet gripping.  It follows Sally's life post her father's death and unearths who she is, what happened to her and also a slight personal journey plot in how she changes after this event. It's incredibly dark, triggering and difficult to read but a mind-blowing novel.

How to Kill a Guy in Ten Ways by Eve Kellman

This has to be a novel I could happily read again as I loved it so much. It touches on some darker topics and what happens to women, however, it's a genus plot, crafted about a female serial killer who is getting revenge on all the men who have wronged women. The book follows Millie Masters who has a hotline called 'Message Men', where she picks up women or young teenagers who feel unsafe when they're out and about. It's a dark and cleverly written novel with a humorous touch, following the level of revenge someone will go to.

I loved reading this book and learning more about the main character and the good she was doing with her hotline, trying to protect all these women from scary situations. It's weird to say I enjoyed it so much as there was dark humour to how the serial killer plot line was crafted. I couldn't put it down and overall, would recommend it for something a little different.

Good Half Gone by Tarryn Fisher 

I'm a twin and with any books that have twins in the plotline, I love to give a read. I saw this book when book shopping in Canada and absolutely loved it. The novel follows Iris as she tells the tale of how she escaped the abduction of her twin sister as a teenager. With her twin Piper's abduction presumed a runaway, the cops say there's nothing else to investigate, yet Iris wants answers and spends her time figuring that out.

This gripped me well and the layers, twists and turns added to the curiosity, of discovering what happened to her sister. I loved how there was a switch in time to past and present, and the dedication Iris had to discover what happened. It's dark but has the heart of desperation to know the answers. I also loved how it shared the insight of being a twin and what that really means.

Marple - Twelve New Mysteries by Agatha Christie 

As you know, murder mysteries and crime thrillers are my thing and this book encapsulated them all. With 12 short stories from crime authors interpreting the Marple theme, I enjoyed reading the unique nature of each plot and how the author adapted a tale of Marple to their writing and imagination.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What's your favourite read this year?

Thank you for reading <3

How to avoid the pressure of new year goals

 Well hello to you my reader chums! The new year is a wonderful time and opportunity to think about what you'd like the year to be for you. I love New Year goals as I'm an ambitious, goal-setting individual however, not everyone is like that. The new year can be a stressful and intimidating time with all the marketing around 'new year, new me', diet changes, big, life-changing goals and the drive to create a whole new life.

How to not feel the pressure of new year goals

Here's your reminder: you don't need big goals in the new year, to change your whole life or become a new version of yourself. The new year is what you make of it. If you're feeling the pressure of the new year, here are some ways to feel less pressure about setting goals.

Set realistic goals

Many people decide to set massive or life-changing goals in the new year and often that can add more pressure to starting the next year. Setting goals is meant to be fun and ambitious. You should embrace that, and not feel intimidated by it. Instead of massive goals, set realistic and attainable goals that you know given your lifestyle, you can keep up with throughout the year and push yourself, without pressure.  

Remind yourself not everyone thrives in the new year

It's okay to not thrive in the new year. It's okay to feel down and not 100%yourself. It's okay to enjoy a slower season and appreciate what you have in life, rather than reach and plan for something else. This is your reminder that life isn't like what you see online. Not everyone will be buying fancy journals and mapping out their new year on a high. Many people may be getting over something challenging, simply surviving or learning to be more content. 

Write a gratitude list every day

Gratitude is the key to living a more fulfilled and positive life. In the new year period, when pressure levels can be high, write a gratitude list of the little things you're thankful for every day. From the small things we forget about, such as a warm home, a connection with loved ones, and food on the table, to any specific thing that happened that day. Whatever you write down, it can help reframe your mind. 

Reflect on your wins from the previous year

When we're in the new year bubble, many of us focus on what we should be achieving and planning for rather than what we've achieved or done in the previous year. Spend this time reflecting on your wins and highlights from the previous year and what you have done, rather than what you should be achieving. 

Fill your cup with fun things

Starting the year with fun and positive things can help create a better mindset to deal with the pressure of new year goals. Everyone has different things to fill their cup, from hanging out with loved ones to hobbies. Whatever it is, ensure you add many fun things to your agenda.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What would you add?

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2025 goals

Well hello to you my reader chums! I cannot believe we're in 2025; how did that happen? 2024 was an incredible year; I'm so grateful for the holidays, the love around me, the success of my business and overall, learning to care for my mental health. 

If you're thinking about your goals and are unsure what's for you this year, here are my 2025 goals. I can't wait to see what this year brings.

2025 goals

2025 goals 

Continue to thrive in my business

I feel incredibly lucky that in 2024, I had a successful year of business. I worked on some brilliant website copy projects, blogging projects and consistent retainer work for digital marketing agencies and social media management. I'm blessed that I could work with incredible clients, form and maintain relationships with other business owners and create leads for potential future work. I hope 2025 is everything and more for the business where I can thrive working with clients and on projects that I love - and continue to grow every day as a business owner. 

Continue my travels

Travelling is my life and I love nothing more than planning my next trip away. I was lucky enough to do some dream trips, including the Canadian Rockies and interrailing through Italy and Switzerland in 2024, as well as weekend breaks to Bath, Edinburgh and Cambridge. This year, as my focus is on financial goals more than anything, big trips aren't as big of a priority, but I still want to travel. I aim to keep travelling more locally and visit European countries and cities. 

Focus on saving and financially preparing to be a homeowner

I've always wanted to own a home; it has been a goal of mine for years. I love the idea of creating a space that's fully mine, decorating it how I like, and injecting mine and my partner's personality into all the décor. 2025 is the year, we're both going to focus on saving as much as possible to put us in a brilliant position to begin our homeowner journeys and to start looking for a house we like.

Edit my 6th book and work on pitching

I finished writing my 6th book at the end of 2024 and with that finish, my biggest focus is to work on the journey to being published. Being a published author is my biggest dream, I can't think of anything better than seeing my stories in the book shops. This year, I want to work with an editor, helping get all of my books ready for publishing level and ready to pitch again to agents.

Embrace the power of slowing down more

As a people pleaser, and someone who always needs to be productive, slowing down and relaxing is something I struggle with, and I've been focusing on doing more. It's difficult to learn how to relax, however, I've found that embracing it has really helped with my mental health. In 2025, I'd like to focus on that a lot more.

Continue reading often

I'm a self-confessed bookworm and I adore reading new stories, there's something magical about this. I'm proud in 2024, sticking to my reading goals and nearly reading 30 books. I've even spent evenings reading, rather than only reading before bed or in the morning. Reading every day has done wonders for my mind and I can't wait to see the books I read in 2025.

Find an exercise routine I love

I've always enjoyed working out and last year, I've leaned into Pilates and think it's my favourite way to exercise. This year, I'd like to get into more of a routine, with a weekly plan of various exercise types, including Pilates/yoga, walks and dance workouts, and even running.

Learn to make clothes/get better at sewing 

When I was younger and obsessed with That's So Raven, I wanted to be a fashion designer. Since then, the thought of making clothes has been magical to me. Also as I struggle with finding clothes that fit me perfectly, learning to make clothes and improving my sewing skills can help this dream.

Continue focusing on appreciating and feeling content every day

Embracing and learning to love the little things is incredibly important for a positive life. I've spent years getting better at this and want to continue this in 2025, to help me feel completely fulfilled every day.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What are your goals?

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