I've heard so many people rave about it and its definitely worth the hype. The story is told from the perspective of a teenage girl who has terminal cancer. The description of her everyday life really helps you appreciate being healthy and the everyday things like walking up stairs which Hazel (girl telling the tale) is unable to easily. Hazel gives an insightful view of her life, how it is living with cancer and the journey she takes. The novel is filled with humour and sadness. 'Cancer perks' are what she calls the things she acquires because of her illness, which adds a burst of light humour on the subject. The way she describes the story really tugs at the heart strings and you really feel her emotion and pain.Not going to lie I cried whilst reading it!
The moment she meets Augustus waters was just perfect. I think all girls who read this book want an Augustus waters in their life. All the moments that they spent together are just so magical, it makes you the reader really happy for them. All the struggles they face through after they met, they do together. It's such a beautiful romantic time when they're together. Hazel talks a lot about her favourite book-An imperial infliction, which her and Augustus again share together. He's just the perfect boy anyone could wish for. Each conversation they has ends with okay? Okay. Their relationship is so precious and it makes you fall in love with both characters.
It has a rather unexpected ending in my opinion, I thought it would end completely different. However, I can't express to you how amazingly written this whole novel is. Through all the quirky conversations, the heart breaks, the beautiful moments life brings, it really shows you how special life is. It has it's ups and downs, but through them you become who you are.
Honestly one of the best novels I've read, beautifully tragic, a must read! I'd recommend it to every single one of you! If you want a book that you will smile, cry and want to read over and over, this is for you <3
Thankyou for reading, I hope you enjoyed <3