How to stay positive as a freelancer

 Well hello to my reader chums! As many of you know, I've been a full-time freelancer for just over a year now and I'm loving the journey and everything it's teaching me. Although freelancing is everything I dreamt of, being my own boss, choosing my clients and developing a business, it's incredibly challenging.

Freelancing is more than doing the doing, it's building a business, finding clients, retaining clients and all the admin in between, such as accounts, emails, calls, marketing and much more. As a freelancer, I try my best to stay as positive as possible but when low periods hit, it can be tough, especially as often, it feels like a personal attack. 

How to stay positive as a freelancer

If you're a freelancer and struggling to stay positive, here are some methods you can use to help stay positive as a freelancer.

Talk to other freelancers

The first step to this piece of advice is to search for freelancers and befriend them. Whether that's in your local community or online, I can assure you freelancers are everywhere and it's easier than you think to connect with them. Once you've gained those connections, ensure to retain them through regular chats, either texting, calls or video chats, whatever works for you. By building those relationships, you'll have someone to vent and chat with when you're feeling rough. As I can assure you, every freelancer has felt what you're feeling right now and they can provide encouragement and reassurance.

Focus on passion projects 

Running a business is hard work and we all need to let off steam and throw our energy into activities or projects that fulfil us without them actually being a form of work or monetary gain. Having these passion projects can give you something exciting and positive to put your energy into when you're not feeling great. Whether that's making a new dress, writing a book or running a blog like this, whatever fills your heart up, ensure you take the time to slot it into your week.

Read reviews and feedback from previous clients

When you're feeling down, positive words can be revolutionary. I've recommended a positivity log time and time again, however, if you haven't made one, reading over the reviews and feedback you have is vital. If it's on your website or social media profiles, take a read as it'll give you the boost you need that you are good enough.

Get out and about

It may seem like the simplest piece of advice but being proactive does wonders for your mental health. Get out and about regularly for a walk, run errands or make social plans, encouraging positive energy into your day. You'll feel much better for it, even if you go for a drink in your favourite coffee shop.

Practice self-care, listening to your mind and body

Our body knows when we're burning out as it'll show us signs. By listening to your body, you can take better care of it, creating a more positive mindset towards your personal and work life. Practice self-care, such as setting work boundaries, eating well, having screen breaks, exercising, keeping social and doing the things that make you happy.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What else would you add?

Thank you for reading <3

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