How to plan your dream travel itinerary

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Planning travel itineraries is my favourite hobby and I love nothing more than researching my next destination. For people who aren't a big fan of organising or research, it is the biggest nightmare. I've got you. I'm here to help in sharing how you can plan your dream itinerary, saving you the hassle, frustration and confusion.

If you're new to creating travel itineraries or want some advice on how to get started, here's my guide on how to plan your dream travel itinerary

How to plan your dream travel itinerary

Set your destination, timeframe and budget

Every good travel plan starts with the destination, timeframe and budget. Whether you're looking to interrail in Europe, backpack across southeast Asia or spend a few weeks in one country, understanding these three points is the start you need. Pick a destination, set the timeframe, from a long weekend to a month/6 month (however long you like) and your minimum/maximum budget. Understanding these outlines helps you shape the itinerary and you can loosely map things out.

Research your must-see attractions/things to do

With a loose outline of where you're going, how long and how much money you have to spend, you can do some research on the best things to do at that destination. This could be a particular activity, a sightseeing spot or a tour. Making a list of your must-see things can help you slot in the days you'd like to do the activities, how much they're going to cost and how long roughly each activity will take.

Plan out the timings and align everything together

With an idea of the things you want to do, you can start to add them to the itinerary and figure out which sights are near each other and how to reach them. Essentially, you can bullet point a list of what you'd like to do first each day and chronologically plan out the activities you're doing next. Knowing the order of things can help you map out each day and knowing what's near each other can help you switch around things if you decide to change what you do on arrival.

Research food/drink places

Food and drink are the heart of any destination as you can get to grips with a country's culture and its local cuisine. Generally, researching where you should eat can wait until you get there. However, if there are some incredibly famous and must-visit places you've come across then add them to your itinerary as it can help you book a reservation beforehand, not missing out.

Work out distances to each attraction

Add a rough estimate of how long each activity takes and how you can get from each item on your agenda. Understanding how long it takes to reach each activity can help you plan accordingly, slot in time for food and leave enough room to get to each place. You don't want to run out of time or feel rushed when you're on holiday.

Review and leave room for spontaneity

Every holiday needs some spontaneity, you don't want to fill up every second of every day as that takes away the beauty of exploring a new place. Leave gaps for roaming around and exploring different areas to discover hidden gems. When you look over the itinerary before you go, it's the ideal time to make any changes, add new activities in or ensure you have got gaps to explore.

Tips and tricks to planning a travel itinerary:

  • The more detail the better - this can help you immensely when travelling around
  • Always add numbers - costs, times, dates and booking references
  • Consider time in case something goes wrong - not everything goes to plan
  • The weather - you can't predict it so always having backup ideas can help
  • Enjoy the process - planning your trip should be FUN, if it isn't, research ready-made itineraries or book a tour

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