My goals for 2022

 Well hello to you my reader chums! I cannot believe I'm typing out this post and a new year is here. 2021 seemed to flash by and it's safe to say, it was a year of ups and downs. Starting out in lockdown, to life going back to somewhat normal and achieving many things I didn't think I would, my emotions have certainly been all over the place for good and bad reasons.

With another year, I always love to set myself new goals, new things to focus on so in the next year I can look back and reflect, and see what I've accomplished. I'm a big dreamer and there are many things I want to do in the new year - here are my goals for 2022.

My goals for 2022

Become a published author

I set this goal last year as it's something I've been dreaming about since I was a little girl. I want nothing more than to see my books on the shelves in Waterstones, laid out with my full name printed in bold. I've written 5 novels, two adult fictions, and 3 middle-grade children's books and I can't wait until the day a literary agent says they want to help publish my book - I manifest it every day. Even though on average, it takes authors years to get a publishing deal, I'm going to work at it this year to hopefully make my dream a reality.

Get back to the travel way of life

The pandemic has really stopped all my travel dreams. Before it happened, I was away at least 5 times a year, exploring new cities and countries but that has been limited the past two years and I miss it more than anything. I was lucky enough to go on a few staycations including Brighton and getting away to Italy last year, but in 2022, the plan is to get fully back at it, if the rules allow. I want to go backpacking again for a couple months and plan out trips for the rest of the year. I want to experience the full freedom travelling gives me.

Spend less time on social media

This is a big one for me. I work in social media and I'm always on my phone and if I'm honest, it can be completely draining and mind-numbing, and sometimes I don't know when to stop. But, it's an ultimate goal for me to spend less time on social media and my phone overall, and try to be in the present more, and with my thoughts, rather than scrolling to district my mind.

Care for my skin more

My skin took a bad turn towards the end of this year and if I'm honest, I'm not used to it as I've always been quite lucky to have nice skin. I'm going to aim to get back into a proper skincare routine that really works for me and hopefully get it back to being healthy.

Continue to prioritise my needs

Something this past year taught me was to put myself first and listen to what I needed, rather than putting other people's needs before my own. I've learnt that once I take care of myself, I'm able to help others better and it also boosts my confidence, mental health, and happiness. I want to continue to say no when things don't feel right, prioritise my mental health when my body is telling me to rest, and cancel plans if I need to. Learning to not feel guilty doing this is hard but it has helped me care for myself a lot more.

Go full-time freelance

I've been dreaming of becoming a freelance writer and travelling around the world for years and it's a dream I'm craving more than ever. In the last half of 2021, my freelance writing and social media work has come on leaps and bounds, and I'm incredibly proud of the opportunities I've been given, and the clients I have worked with. I'm really enjoying the freedom of freelance life, growing my skills, and picking up new projects; it thrills me. I hope next year, I'm able to increase my clientele and work towards a position to make it a full-time gig.

Continue saving

I feel very lucky that I've managed to save a lot this year and I want to continue that savings plan to work towards my dream of buying a house/getting on the property ladder and going backpacking again. I would love to be in the position one day where I'm financially free and this is something I'm working towards in every possible way. 

Write another book

Writing books is something I adore with my whole heart and I definitely want to map out a plan and get cracking on another book this year. I have a few ideas and I'm excited to sit down and see where my creative mind takes me. 

Grow my business

My sister and I run our home baking business, Twinnies Bake and we love it. It's a way to show our creative side of baking to the world and share our baked goods with everyone. Due to the pandemic and my sister having a baby, we took a step back in 2020 and this year, however, we've relaunched again and I'm hoping 2022 will be the year that we go big. We offer everything from our famous brownies, celebrations cakes, cupcakes to brownie slabs, stacks, cookies, and more. Plus, our brownie postal service is available all around the UK.

Fall in love with myself again and again

I've been on my self-love journey for a long time now and every day, I'm learning more about myself, who I am, and striving to be my best self. I learn to love bits about myself that I used to hate, I accept the mistakes I've made and flaws I have to ultimately reach the goal of loving who I am, completely. It's a journey, one that has its ups and downs but I'm excited to see what another year of it looks like and see the position I'll be in by the end of 2022.

Live in the present 

Life is a wonderful thing and often I get so caught up capturing it that I forget to live it. I've really tried to focus on being present a lot more this past year and it's a goal I want to improve on over and over again. Things go by so quickly and I want to be more present in every way I can.

Rest more

I'm used to always doing a million things at once, it's normal to me but I know this busy lifestyle isn't good for my mental health and I've really been trying to focus on resting more and taking regular breaks, and over the next year, I want to make it a top priority so I'm actually able to relax.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What are your goals?

Thank you for reading <3


  1. Love that you've set yourself a goal of becoming a published author, that would be such an amazing acheivment, I really hope this happens for you one day! Taking care of your skin is a great goal, I set this for 2021 and my skin has massively improved!x

    1. Thank you so much!! I hope 2022 is fab for you xx

  2. So many amazing goals here! I really hope you're able to get published, that is huge. It would be so good to travel again too, I think I've forgotten what going on a plan feels like haha xx

    Hannah |

  3. Happy New Year and good luck with your goals!


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