Top tips for first-timers in London

 Well hello to you my reader chums! London is one of my favourite cities and a place that will never get old. I visit London a lot, it's only an hour or so on the train from where I live and always has so much to offer for a day out in the city. London is never short of experiences, things to look at, discover or learn and that's why everyone should have the opportunity to see the city in all its glory.

If you're planning a trip to London and are looking for some advice, here are my top tips for first-timers in London.

Top tips for first timers in London

London is very expensive

It's no secret that London is expensive but I always think, it's worth mentioning, especially if you're new to the city. London is a massive tourist hotspot, with enough attractions to sink a battleship so you'll never be short of things to do. However, because it is so expensive, you need to prepare before setting foot in the city and that means mapping out a budget. I would suggest you create a rough plan of what you'd like to see and do on your trip and bring a bit extra money than you think you need. As in London, there are always some hidden costs such as service charges in restaurants.

Despite London being a pricey day out or weekend away, there are ways to experience the joys of London on a budget including inexpensive transport options, free attractions, and sights to see as you pass through the city.

Tubes are a lifesaver and easier than you think

Tubes are the heart of London and it's not a day in the city without experiencing the rush and busy element that is the underground. On your first tube experience, it may seem overwhelming with lots of lines to pick from, however, it can be easier than you think. I swear by the London tube app on my phone as it's free and easy to use, and lays out the direct route I need to take and how long the journey will be.

Use the Bolt app for cheaper taxi rides

If you're not a fan of the tube and still need to get around the city, taxis are your ideal. London cabs can be very pricey and charge you a silly amount of money to get from A to B. This means there is the option of Uber which is slightly cheaper or the new taxi app which is Bolt, a much cheaper taxi ride that can get you to some places for only a couple of pounds.

Be aware of pickpockets

Like in any city, pickpocketing is a thing so I would always advise you to be extra cautious with your bags and keep them shut, especially in busier areas. I'm very lucky that it has never happened to me in London, however, I know it has happened to others. This means, take the same precautions you would if you went to other big cities.

You can walk to many places

Mooching around London is one of my favourite things to do as there's always something new and exciting to see. Walking around the city is possible, especially if you're in central because a lot of the big sights are near each other. However, it's always worth keeping in mind that London is very large and that you may not be able to walk to many places as quickly as you can get the tube. Nevertheless, it's a great way to see a new area of the city like Notting Hill or Kensington.

Make the most of free attractions

London is a hub for free attractions for every type of visitor, whether you're looking to learn, have fun or simply, find a gorgeous view. There are plenty of parks to have a picnic, museums, and galleries you can walk around, shops to take a mooch, many small business markets or food markets, and exhibitions that you'll fall in love with. Many historical sights are free as well - just make sure to do your research beforehand about what you'd like to see.

Book train tickets in advance

Train tickets are constantly increasing and if you're travelling from another part of the UK, this tip is for you. I always book my tickets at least a few days in advance as I can buy the advance single prices,  rather than the steep prices many train tickets can be. It's also worth noting that arriving in London after 10.30am is non-peak so I'd recommend heading up to the city then to save yourself some cash.

Make a rough plan before your visit

Before going to London, a rough plan is more than vital as the city can be very overwhelming if you're new. I'm used to the rush and the bustle and it's something I adore on every visit. However, if you haven't experienced it before, you want a plan to shape your trip a bit and give you some direction to what you're doing. You want to map out the areas you're going to, how you're going to get around, book paid-for attractions and restaurants in advance and have a budget in mind.

London is huge

There is so much more to London than Buckingham Palace and Covent Garden. I've been to the city countless times in my life and there are still so many areas I'm yet to visit and experience. This means you need to be aware if you're in the city for a weekend, it's unlikely you're going to see all of it. I'm sure there are many Londoners that haven't experienced all the nooks and crannies of the city. Plan your trip around a couple of areas and things to do to keep it realistic, and allow you to get that dose of London life.

Debit cards/travel cards are your best friend

I'm not going to go and say London is a cashless city, but it's rare people use cash in London unless you're at a market or in the quieter parts of the city. In the central area of London, many people pay with debit cards, travel cards, or any kind of contactless payment as it's quick and easy. London is a fast-paced city and its payment way of life reflects that.

London's food scene is everything

The food scene in London is one of my favourite things about the city because whatever area you head to, there's always a variety of cuisines on offer that it can always be so hard to choose what to eat. Whether that's top-class restaurants, quirky cafes, or endless food markets, you'll be spoilt for choice with authentic food from across the world. I always say food in London is an investment for quality and experience.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Do you have any other tips?

Thank you for reading <3


  1. Its really a city full with life! <3
    Loved the post cute!

  2. Yes! Agreed with everything here, I can only do London once a year it is so vast there. A good read thank you


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