24 hours in Brighton - my favourite things to see and do

 Well, hello to you, my reader chums! Brighton is one of my favourite cities in the UK. It has a seaside charm with the rush of a city, and I love embracing that ambience every time I visit. Even if you're a frequent visitor to Brighton, the city never gets old with quirky independent shops, cafes, restaurants and a gorgeous coastline.

You could easily spend several days exploring the wonders of Brighton, however, if you're limited to a day, here is my guide to 24 hours in Brighton and my favourite things to see and do.

24 hours in Brighton - my favourite things to see and do

Morning - Exploring the Lanes

Brighton is always busy, whatever time of year however, early mornings when everything is opening up is a fab time to head straight to the Lanes. I adore the Lanes and could spend longer than a morning roaming around, visiting independent shops, my favourite chain stores, cafes and bakeries. Whether you're shopping for new clothes, a handmade item, jewellery or something quirky, you can find a shop here. Also, don't forget to get a cute photo of your trip at Photomatic!

Whilst in the Lanes, you can grab some breakfast, brunch or lunch, as the options are truly endless! Some favourite spots include the Nowhere Man, Flour Pot Bakery, Trading Post Coffee Roasters, Cafe Coho, Lost in the Lanes Café, Red Roaster and Kooks. 

The Lanes aren't huge. However, they do consist of many streets with brightly coloured shops and things to see and do. You can also walk around Brighton Pavilion, grab yourself an ice cream from Boho Gelato (it's never too early) and visit one of the local markets if it's market day. The Lanes are also close to the many high street shops where you can continue shopping in the morning.

Afternoon - A seaside wander 

As a seaside city, you should make the most of its glory on your day trip. The seaside is only around a 10-15 minute walk from The Lanes. Before you head here, grab some lunch in The Lanes or pick up a classic fish and chips from the seaside chippies, restaurants or along the Pier. You have plenty of options to buy some delicious food. 

I'd recommend heading to the Pier either to eat or, once you've eaten, have a long stroll up and down it, making the most of the arcades and, if you can stomach them, the various rides they offer too. From the Pier, you can take a beach stroll, either toward Brighton Marina or, my favourite way, toward Hove. Along the Hove route, you'll wander past many seaside shops, ideal for purchasing souvenirs, a hot drink, ice cream or exploring the local artist's work. 

This route also has many activities, such as the upside-down house, outdoor sports, a kid splash pool and of course, the beautiful pebbled coastline. As you approach Hove, you'll see the stunning colourful beach huts and the crowds will quieten slightly.

In Hove, you can head into the town to explore their local shops or return towards Brighton and embrace the sea views again (this walk takes around half an hour). Depending on the time of year, use the rest of your afternoon relaxing on the beach, sunbathing and swimming.

Evening - Enjoy sunset and nightlife 

After a full day of exploring, the evening is what you make of it, especially if you're travelling back that day or staying in a hotel. Watch the sunset, either on the beach or as you roam around the city, finding a restaurant that's right for you.

Option one - Travelling back in the night

You'll probably be tired after an exciting day of seeing Brighton's best sights, enjoying a lot of delicious food and hopefully treating yourself to some cute trinkets. If you're travelling back for the night, grab some dinner and head home. Great dinner options include VIP Pizza and Red Snapper Thai restaurant. Or you can have fish and chips on the beach at sunset!

Option two - Staying in Brighton 

If you're staying, I'd recommend travelling a little further out away from the city in the luxurious White Horses Rottingdean Hotel and having dinner here. On my last time in Brighton, I stayed here with my sister it was such a luxury experience and the food was delicious

I hope you enjoyed this post. When are you visiting Brighton?

Thank you for reading <3

My twenties.

We're told that being in our twenties is the decade for everything. Falling in love, travelling the world, having a family and succeeding in your career. But life doesn't end at 30, does it?

It's a constant lie sold to us, especially women, that we need to have it all in our first decade of adulthood. That unrealistic goal makes many of us feel constantly lost, searching for answers and comparing ourselves to our counterparts. Nobody has it all in their twenties, we're all learning what being an adult is, making mistakes and picking ourselves up over and over again.

The beauty of our twenties is that evolution; how we go from a teenager into an adult figure, making memories, achieving goals specific to us, gaining friends, losing friends, loving hard, having our hearts broken and failing over and over again. 

The rollercoaster that is our twenties is what makes it incredibly beautiful. We're not meant to be at the peak of our life, we're meant to be learning to love life, learning to love ourselves more, and figuring out what feels right to us and what our future should look like. We all change. We all evolve, and that's okay.

Boundaries. Self-love. Self-care. Pity parties. Deep chats. Heartbreak.

Your twenties aren't meant to be easy. Your twenties are about learning.

I'm nearing the last year of this powerful decade, and I'm nothing like the 20-year-old girl I once was.

Confidence. Power. Self-love. Self-belief. Respect. 

These words stick out more in my mind about how I am. I've lost friendships. I've cried over those who have hurt me. I've failed multiple times. I've changed jobs. I've moved away from my home town. I've travelled the world. I've learned gratitude. I've changed my mindset. I've gained respect for who I am.

I am different, but I am the same. The heart of who I was hasn't changed. I've embraced that and learned how to be my authentic self and how that authenticity helps me feel confident, loved and valued.

Being in your twenties is a challenge. You'll see friends and people online who are thriving and constantly compare yourself. You'll doubt yourself at every new decision. You'll break at everything that goes wrong. This is okay. This is normal.

Every person in their twenties is figuring it out. 

Every person in their thirties is figuring it out.

Turning a year older or a decade older doesn't mean you'll suddenly be successful or feel differently. It's how you hone in on who you are, practice and learn what feels like a happy and content life for you, and surround yourself with people who love you.

I'm grateful for what my twenties have taught me so far. How I've learned to love, deal with heartbreak and appreciate life isn't always about the big moments; the little moments make us feel fulfilled and content.

Twenties wonder. Twenties joy. Twenties heartbreak. 

I'm excited to see the love and happiness in the rest of my twenties. 

Best financial tips to stay savvy with money

 Well hello to you my reader chums! I've always been a good saver. Growing up in a family who were always money-conscious and taught me the value of the pound has made me aware of how to make money last and invest when needed. I'm no money expert, however, I've picked up many money- saving tips over the years which have helped me save and manage my money as a freelancer. 

If you're saving up for a big occasion or keen to learn better money skills, here are my best financial tips to stay savvy with money.

Best financial tips to stay savvy with money

Focus on your needs, not your wants.

In an over-consuming world, we constantly compare ourselves to what everyone else has. Here's your reminder, that what you see online is not normal and unlike a normal life. Most people aren't on holiday all the time, most people don't buy new clothes all the time and most people don't have a 10-step skincare routine. It's normal to want things, you have to enjoy life, whether it is a weekend away or some new trainers, however, you don't need to constantly be shopping for things you want.

Focus on affording the things you need, and the things you want come every now and then. And if you want something that badly, waiting for it will be a great reward and you'll appreciate it more. For example, you may see a trending gadget online and think you want it as everyone else is getting it, however, once the trend is over, you may forget about it. If you wanted it that badly, it would have stayed on your mind. 

Set an automatic payment to your savings account.

It's easy to forget to save money unless you push and remind yourself. There are two ways to save effectively. The first is putting money in your savings account as soon as you get paid and the second is setting an automatic payment to your savings. With an automatic payment, you won't have to think about actively saving as it'll do it for you - and you can actively save on top. For example, send £10 a week as an automatic as it's the price of two coffees and not necessarily money you'd miss (unless you're on a really tight budget). From there, you can add more to your savings but there's already money ticking over into the account.

Don't touch your savings (unless it's an emergency)

I know so many people who can't save as they always dip into their savings, and therefore the money doesn't increase. Don't do that. You need to get into a disciplined mindset where once the money is in your savings, it's only to be used for that saving purpose, such as a new car, a holiday or buying a new washing machine. Whatever it is, the money is in there for a reason. The only time you should ever touch it is if it's an emergency, such as your car is broken or you need to replace something immediately.

Have a set budget for days out and fun activities

When we have a day out or an activity booked, it can be easy to simply enjoy ourselves and not think of the money repercussions. However, to keep an eye on your money, have a budget for that day out. For example, say you're going for dinner and drinks, have a number in your mind that you expect to spend and don't go over that.

Understand what your disposable income is and how you spend it.

Everyone has different levels of disposable income. If you have a budget spreadsheet listing all of your expenses each month, you'll know what's left to spend on whatever you want. It could be £50 or even £500. Whatever the amount, decide where you'd like it to go. For example, you could put some towards a holiday and some on a meal out.

Have set savings goals each month

It can be difficult and unmotivating to save if you don't have a goal. I recommend setting a goal for the year and then breaking that down to how much money you need to put in your savings each month to reach it. The goal will push you to be more careful and consider your money when spending too. 

Any money left at the end of your month put it in the savings

This is a privileged position to be in. However, if you have any money left over before your next payday, put it in your savings account. Even if it's £10, it can make a massive difference over time.

Plan for birthdays/Christmas in advance.

Shopping for presents adds up over the year and if you don't plan for it, it can set you back with your money. At the beginning of the year, list all the birthdays you have coming up (and other occasions) and set a budget for each one, giving you a rough prediction of how much you intend to spend and on which month too.

Use what you have, rather than buy something new.

It's incredibly easy to buy and replace items rather than use and fix them. If you have things in your house that are a little old but usable, continue using them. You don't have to buy new. Or if something breaks and you need an item, see if you can find it second-hand rather than spending a large amount of cash.

Always be on the hunt for deals - shop around.

Deals are always around, from supermarkets to holidays. You don't always have to pay full price for anything. Think smarter not harder and remember, by looking after the pennies, the pounds will look after you. If you're shopping for something new, search different shops and see where is the best value for money.

Avoid buying things on finance.

Buying things on finance isn't a financially smart move. I understand in some cases, like your phone, it can seem impossible to have the money upfront. However, for larger items, such as a car or a sofa, by buying it on finance, you're really spending more in the long run, wasting money and adding to your monthly expenses. It's better to save up or buy second-hand than be stuck with a large bill every month.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. What would you add?

Thank you for reading <3

Travel is a privilege - how I'm grateful for the life I have

 Well hell to you my reader chums! In today's world with endless social media comparison points, many of us feel as if we're not enough or that we need more to feel fulfilled in life. I'm sharing a post today all about what is considered 'normal' online and how really it's a privilege, especially speaking about travelling and going on multiple holidays a year.

TikTok and Instagram make us feel like we're behind if we're not spending our twenties going on holiday every other weekend or seeing as much of the world as possible. I'm here to remind you, it's not the reality for everyone.

I think many of us (me at times) have forgotten that travelling and seeing the world is a privilege. Not everyone has the opportunity, whether that's financial, illness, parenthood or accessibility and being grateful for that privilege is incredibly important. 

I'm here to share how I am grateful for the life I have and to reinforce the message that travelling the way I do isn't considered normal and is a luxury. 

Travel is a privilege - how I'm grateful for the life I have

Travelling the world is a privilege. 

I'm 28 and I've been lucky enough to travel to around 30 different countries and some of those countries multiple times and every single day I'm grateful for the opportunity. As I get older, I realise the privilege of being able to access that many countries and see as much of the world as I have, because many of my family and friends haven't been in the same position.

I get asked all the time 'How do you afford many holidays?' and 'How are you always on holiday?'

The truth is, I've never been someone who had a job that paid a large wage, it's only now as a freelancer, I can grow and increase my income. However, I lived with my parents until the age of 26 and they were generous enough to not charge me rent but suggest I put that money away towards buying my own home that I would have given to them.

I'm aware many people aren't in that position. Either, they had to move out at a young age and deal with the high rental market or they lived at home and the money went to their parents instead. Because of living at home, my living costs were low and even though I wasn't on a high income, I could use my disposable income on whatever I wanted. And that was travelling.

At the time, as I was in my young twenties, I didn't necessarily consider what I was doing a luxury because my friends were also travelling and when I went on my two backpacking trips, I also saw many people my age travelling the world and living their best lives. And even when you're experiencing something incredible, there's always someone online doing something 'better'.

However, now nearing my thirties, I realised that I was in a lucky position to spend my disposable income seeing the world and even having enough money as disposable to do it in the first place. I got so caught up in wanting to see the next destination, I didn't take the time to reflect and realise how grateful I was. 

I'm incredibly grateful for how my twenties have been seeing the world and experiencing things I never thought were possible. It's a blessing and something I'm going to hold onto forever. I still travel and now, living with my partner, we prioritise travel as a couple. However, it's more thought out because I have life expenses and take saving a lot more seriously for our future and what that looks like. 

The heart of this post is to share some reminders:

  • It is not normal to always be on holiday
  • Stop comparing yourself to those on social media - it is a highlight reel
  • Most people only go away once a year and some, not even that
  • Travel is a privilege and those who are travelling, either are sacrificing other things for it or have the financial accessibility and means
  • Everyone has a different life and we should enjoy what ours is, rather than compare
  • You can and will travel if that's what you like to do - keep dreaming, saving and planning, anything is possible

I'm incredibly grateful for the life I have and how I've experienced many opportunities. Gratitude is the heart of feeling fulfilled, loved and valued. Whatever you're grateful for, make sure to say it. 

I hope you enjoyed this different post. What are you grateful for?

Thank you for reading <3 

5 ways to make your first holiday less scary

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Travelling is my thing, as many of you know I adore planning my next trip away and seeing the world as much as possible. However, I wasn't always this way; when I was younger, the thought of travelling and getting on a plane, terrified me. I didn't plan to be 'that girl who travels in her twenties'. I thought I'd be the girl who went down a more traditional path in my twenties and it's wild to me how I fell in love with the travel way of life.

I've written about my travel anxiety and fear of planes before but to recap, when I was in my late teens, the thought of going on a plane made me incredibly anxious and leaving my hometown was a massive deal. I used to get panic attacks in public spaces and could barely leave my house. Travelling was a huge step to push out of my comfort zone.

If you're feeling anxious about your first holiday or time abroad, here are 5 ways to make the experience less scary.

5 ways to make your first holiday less scary

Give yourself time to plan and research 

Everyone loves a different holiday. Some consider a holiday as booking a resort trip and relaxing by the pool in the sunshine, whilst others may prefer a jam-packed week, immersed in a new culture and exploring. Or, you may want a little bit of both. Whatever the trip determines the type of research. To reduce stress, give yourself plenty of time to research, look into all the available options, set a budget and figure out what you'd like.

There are many ways to book a holiday, including through a travel agent or direct/third party. Many first-time travellers would choose a travel agent as they organise everything for you, including accommodation, flights, transfers and sometimes, included activities. If you'd like more of a say and authority over the in-between parts of a holiday, booking directly/third-party may be for you. Booking directly means searching for flights and accommodation independently through a flight search engine like Skyscanner or the airline website, and using accommodation sites, including Booking.com, Air BNB, Hotels.com and HostelWorld. Flight engines and accommodation websites are often considered third-party as you're not technically booking directly with the flight provider or accommodation provider.

Ask all the questions in the booking process

Asking questions is how we learn, and when doing something for the first time, everything seems new. Someone who travels often will know the ins and outs of travelling, such as buying travel insurance, what to pack, how to use your phone abroad and finding your feet in a new location. As you may not know anything about those examples or there may be other queries you're unsure of, ask all the questions. Whether that's to your travel agent, the hotel you booked or the airline, being curious is all part of learning and will give you the confidence that you'd be part of your trip.

Make yourself a holiday agenda 

I am a sucker for an agenda. One of my favourite parts of planning a trip is researching everything I want to see and do, and the restaurants I love to try. Granted, there's no need to plan everything down to the minute. However, having a rough idea of what you'd like to do each day can help you pay in advance for certain activities and understand where you'll have space to chill or wander and enjoy your new experience.

Pack some home comforts 

Everything is better with homely comforts. When visiting somewhere new, you may feel a little homesick, especially if it's one of the first times not sleeping in your bed. This can give you anxiety and worry that you're stepping away from your safe place. However, I found bringing home comforts can help ease any discomfort or worry in some way. For example, you may have a specific jumper which makes you feel cosy or a teddy bear you never sleep without. Whatever it is, bring it along for the ride. The more you travel, the more you may find these home comforts aren't needed anymore.

Create a calm airport experience

An airport can be chaotic, especially during peak seasons. Some people aren't phased by the airport environment, whereas others find it incredibly stressful. Wherever you sit in that camp, creating calm in yourself can make for a chill airport experience

These are my best tips for a calm airport experience:

  • Give yourself plenty of time - arrive at the airport 3 hours before to check your luggage in, go through security, grab some food and do all those steps at your own pace
  • Organise all your documents in one place - this will make locating your passport and boarding pass easy at different points
  • Weigh your luggage beforehand - you don't want to arrive at the airport with luggage overweight so make sure it's in the limit before you arrive
  • Wear something comfortable - you'll be sitting around a lot and comfy clothes can add to the relaxing mode
  • Download things to do - whether you're a reader, love podcasts or a film, having some distractions to hand to listen to or watch can help you feel at ease and quieten the airport sounds
  • Pay for seats next to each other - long-haul flights generally give you seats with your party but many short-haul airlines don't; when you book your flights, pay that little bit extra to sit with them
  • Eat something that makes you feel good - I know many people have a drink at the airport but if that adds to your anxiety, choose a breakfast which gives your body a happy boost.
I hope you enjoyed this post. When is your first trip?

Thank you for reading <3


Hair braids, baby dolls, make-believe and fairytales, being a girl is everything.

A world of fantasising about what it’s like to grow up into a woman, follow our dreams and have the freedom as an adult.

A world full of possibilities. A world of wonder.

So much to see. So much to aspire to.

The magic of girlhood is woven in my heart.

I remember playing Barbies and Bratz with my twin sister, singing our hearts out to Hannah Montana, getting excited about kid makeup, and riding our bikes around the neighbourhood. Being a girl was our power, our joy, and anything we wanted it to be.

Girlhood. What does that word mean to you?

Girlhood is different for every girl, yet it is the same experience. It’s giggling over your first crush, spending hours deciding what to wear, singing your heart out to your favourite songs, kitchen concerts with your besties and loving them so hard you could cry. Girlhood is loyalty, fierceness and pure wonder. It’s wanting to be every girl you see and learning to love yourself.

Girlhood is questioning every little thing and also loving the small moments. It’s the details and little snippets, not the overall picture, that we remember. The times as we grow, the deep conversations, the tears we shed and the laughter. Girlhood isn’t only big achievements but the in-between when life feels so good you can’t describe it, only appreciate it.

Girlhood means loving hard, thinking big and dreaming.

Growing up, girls are put in a box of what they are ‘supposed’ to be: feminine, gentle, a caregiver, and quiet. We have to look after everyone around us and love everything and everyone apart from ourselves. Society wants us to hate who we are, our agenda, and all the little things that make us girls.

We’re told we’re never good enough and to be a certain way: skinny, tall, quiet, in the background, submissive. Words push us to the side and quieten our loud and brilliant thoughts, emotions and stories.

Being a girl is about being proud of our gender. Singing loudly, speaking up for what we believe in and loving so hard, we can’t feel the patriarchal stamp on our dreams. We deserve to be seen and heard and be whoever we want.

You have a voice and can thrive and succeed in living authentically. You deserve to be free, think freely and love freely.

Every girl is different, but every girl is the same. Girlhood is a mutual experience that makes us who we are.

Who are you? What’s your thing?

Writing and words are a big part of my girlhood. A book is the only place I felt seen and heard. The world of a story accepts me for who I am. I could spend hours in a fictional world, learning about other girls' stories and wanting to be part of their imaginary world.

Being a twin made my girlhood experience electric. I always had someone to do everything with, to play, cry and laugh with. I was never alone in being a girl. With a world that was so loud telling me what to do, I had my sister to stay by my side and fight the noises.

We’d stay in our shared bedroom for hours, laughing over made-up stories, playing on our matching DS games, and creating imaginative worlds only we knew the secrets of. We didn’t realise it, but our bond was getting stronger and stronger—a bond that would carry us through life, knowing we always had each other. There’s a security in girlhood that doesn’t need to be described; it just exists.

Girlhood is about learning who you are in a world that tells you to step away from your authentic self.

I’m an ordinary girl who fangirls over her favourite boyband and celebrities. A girl who loves too hard, is over-pleasing to everyone around her and feels everything deeply. I’m overemotional, overthink everything and want to make a difference in the world. I want each person to feel the love I have to give. I’m kind, open-minded and a massive dreamer.

I’ve always had my head in the clouds, dreaming of bigger and better things. I knew I would make a difference and be a writer. Stories and books helped me accept who I was, and I wanted to make that difference for others, for my writing to resonate and help them.

I want to help others feel loved and valued, treasured in some way, knowing they are important.

As a girl, we hear many negative things about our gender to fear and worry about the world and the oppression we face. But there’s something powerful about owning girlhood, owning the wonders of being a woman.

I love being a girl. I love to know what it means and represents. I love the conversations I have with other girls about how our experiences are the same but different. I love how we can relate, cry, and, above all, support each other.

Girlhood is therapy. Girlhood helps every girl know and understand they deserve to be loved.

I’m a girl in love with the world, myself and everything I aspire to be.

Fierce. Loud. Proud. Lovable. Kind. Content.

Being a girl is power.

Protect your energy - how to do just that

 Well hello to you my reader chums This year, it's all about protecting our energy, putting ourselves first and what feels right for our minds. I've spent many years of my twenties people pleasuring, putting people's needs before my own and going along with things to suit other people, not myself.

I'm not saying I'm overdoing any of those things as this is a work in process, yet I am focusing on protecting my energy and leaning into what feels right for me. Do you want to do the same? Here are a few ways how to protect your energy and prioritise yourself. 

Protect your energy - how to do just that

Saying no when something doesn't feel right to you

It's tough to say no. Saying no is putting your foot down and the people pleaser in us can sometimes be terrified to do so. However, not everything in life has to be a yes. Just because you said no to a certain event, doesn't make you boring or rude. We don't have to go and do something if it makes us uncomfortable. By saying no more often when you know you won't thrive or feel content in a situation, you'll get better at knowing which events are for you and which aren't.

Surrounding yourself with people who reciprocate your energy

I'm slowly getting better at this as it can be so hard to step away from long-term friendships and prioritise yourself, especially if you're the one putting in all the effort. However, by realising which people reciprocate similar energy, you will find each interaction more fulfilling and meaningful and will stop second guessing if you're good enough and if someone wants to be around you. Nobody is ever too busy, it's all about prioritising. Figure out who is prioritising you or caring enough to give you their energy. 

Booking in days/evenings for yourself and hobbies

Protecting your energy isn't only about how you are around others and relationships, it's also about the relationship you have with yourself and how you care for that. With that in mind, book yourself days and evenings when it's all about you. This could be to do a hobby, have a self-care evening or watch your favourite TV show. Dedicating time and making that intention will help you have more love and respect for yourself and your time.

Setting boundaries when people make you feel small

I hate when others make people feel small or not good enough. If this is happening to you, you don't deserve it. We should spend time with people who big us up and care for our emotions and livelihoods, not those who make fun and squash our dreams. If you have those people in your life, learn how to set boundaries or limit time with them. For instance, if you still want a relationship with them, limit how often you see them or communicate. 

Making plans you're excited about 

Again, protecting your energy isn't about everything you're stopping and taking out of your life, it's also what you replace and add into your life. Make plans you're excited about which make your heart soar. This could be morning walks on the beach, a big holiday, hanging out with your best friend or taking up a new hobby. By having regular plans that make you smile, you'll add more positive energy to each day and overall protect your energy away from negativity. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. How are you protecting your energy?

Thank you for reading <3