My must-have travel essentials

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Travelling is my world and I love planning and packing for my trips. Travelling doesn't need to be complex as long as you're prepared, such as planning your itinerary and what you're bringing. 

If you're planning your next trip away, I've shared my must-have travel essentials, to create a more enjoyable and stress-free trip.

My must-have travel essentials

My must-have travel essentials

Packing cubes

Packing cubes are a holiday lifesaver when packing for your trip, whether it's a short or longer trip. Packing cubes help organise all of your belongings, from your tops and trousers to your toiletries. I love how I know which packing cube has which item and that I can easily place all the packing cubes in a suitcase or backpacking like a game of Tetris. I also love to keep a spare packing cube for my dirty belongings, easy to organise washing when I get home.

A reusable water bottle

Keeping hydrated is key to caring for yourself when travelling around. A reusable water bottle means you can fill it up wherever you go and if it's a Chilly's bottle, it helps keep the water cool, especially in hotter climates.

Extension cable

I'm pretty sure many people have jumped onto this tip now, but bringing an extension cable has been my biggest packing win since I started travelling to new places when I was 18. Having an extension lead means you won't need to bring multiple adapters but have multiple plugs to help you plug in multiple electrical items.

Book wallet

This has been a new must-have travel item for me - a book wallet. I saw many of these online and eventually bought myself one; a gorgeous lilac embroidered wallet with daisies on it. It's a great little gadget to carry my book around with me, protecting it in some way.

Light jumper/jacket

Plane rides can always be chilly. Honestly, I always want to be as comfortable as possible. Bringing a light jumper or jacket can help warm you up when the air gets a little chilly - and be a lovely home comfort to you.

Spare pair of clothes in hand luggage

I always have the biggest fear that when I check in my luggage, the airline will lose it and I'll have no clothes for my holiday. Due to that, I always pack my most important things in my hand luggage, including a spare outfit or two and any must-have essentials that I can't rebuy when I'm there.

Travel journal

This isn't necessarily a must-have for everyone but it's a great souvenir to look back at when you're older. Depending on how much room you have, determines the size of the journal. I love bringing one with me to document my journey along the way.

Document wallet

Keeping all your documents together is key to staying organised and knowing where all your important items are. I always have a document wallet on me to store my passport and any other documentation, such as any tickets, travel insurance or boarding passes.

Portable charger

Your phone is everything when you're travelling to use Google Maps, find out info about your accommodation or take photos of your tip. A portable charger can be useful, ensuring your phone doesn't run out of battery.

Tote bag

You never know when a tote bag will come in handy, whether for the beach, to carry any items you buy along the way or as a day bag for days in the trip. Tote bags are multi-functional and lightweight to pack. They can even be your dirty laundry bag, helping you separate your clean and dirty clothes at the end of your trip.

Hand gel

Travelling can be germy with all the public transport and new places, and hand gel is a must-have to feel a little bit cleaner. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. What would you add to this list?

Thank you for reading <3

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