The best budget tips for visiting London

 Well hello to you my reader chums! It's no secret that London is a pricey place to visit. As one of the most popular cities in the world, many people want to experience the bustle that is the Big Smoke. London is a city for many, with opportunities, excitement, and endless things to do.

If you're new to the city of London or trying to save money when visiting the city, here are my best budget travel London tips.

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The best budget tips for visiting London

The tube is your best friend

The tube system is the heart of London and a must-do experience, especially if you're new to the city. When I first got on the tube years ago, it was very overwhelming but now it's second nature to me and is the easiest and cheapest way to get around the city. I use the London tube app on my phone to navigate my route which makes it a lot easier to get around. To save money, the tube will be your best friend. It's a lot cheaper than any other mode of transport around London.

Make the most of food markets

Food markets are my favourite thing EVER. I love the opportunity to sample all kinds of foods from around the world and London's food markets are a gem. There are many different food markets all across London from Borough Market to Spitalfields in Shoreditch. Eating on a budget means you should make the most of the many food markets available instead of the pricier restaurants or cafes available across the city.

Stay out of the centre and shop around for prices

When it comes to accommodation in London, you need to shop around. Many hotels whack the prices up, especially the closer you get to the main centre of the city. I would suggest shopping around on websites such as,  Airbnb, Hotel Trivago, Hostel World, and more. Go on as many websites as possible, see what deals they're offering and search on direct websites too to try and find the best price for accommodation. 

As well as shopping around for prices, you need to be flexible with your dates. Plus, change your radius on where you should stay. You don't need to stay directly near the main sights as the tube is easy to access to get wherever you want to go.

Walk as much as you can 

London is a great place for a mooch. One of my favourite things is exploring a new area of the city and taking a stroll, to see what it offers. To keep the costs low on your time in London, utlitse the power of walking (if you're able to), and spend some time taking in the city as you go from A to B. You'll not only save money, but have the opportunity to see sights you never knew were there.

Always factor in extra costs

London isn't cheap, that's a common fact, however, as an expensive city, you need to be aware of extra costs. This could be things like service charges, taxis, or pricier food and drink options. With that in mind, always be prepared with that extra bit more money in your account or with you.

Utilise the free attractions as much as possible

The city may be expensive but it isn't short of free things to see and do. You could spend a day for free simply mooching around London and taking in free sights for starters. Plus, there are many parks, museums, galleries, exhibitions, and markets you're able to see that are completely free.

Book paid-for attractions in advance

Booking things in advance is always a good idea, especially in a city like London. Activities such as theatre shows, events, popular tourist attractions, and more, not only secure your place but give you time to shop around for cheaper prices and deals.

Make the most of London bikes

You'll find bikes in London everywhere to pick up and take on a ride around the city. They're only a couple of pounds to hire and a cheap way to have a gander around different areas without tiring yourself on foot, going on the tube, or paying out for taxis. In the summer, they're especially a good idea because you can cycle around in blue sky London.

Avoid travelling in peak times

Peak times = expensive. If you can, travel into London at off-peak times and book your days out on quieter seasons, otherwise not only will the city be even busier than it usually is, but the prices of everything are even more expensive. I would suggest picking the in-between season for a stay in London or heading up midweek for a day out.

Book your train tickets in advance

Similar to attractions, booking train tickets in advance is always a good idea. I would suggest booking them at least a couple of days before if not weeks before if you can. The sooner you buy them, the cheaper you're able to find tickets because you can purchase advance singles.

Keep an eye out for vouchers

Vouchers are the answer to saving money in many places, especially when you're going to London. Whether it's one of the many attractions, museums, or theatre shows, do some research before you book anything to see if you can find any vouchers or deals.

Shop around for theatre tickets

Going to the west end is one of my favourite things in the world. I love the joy of seeing a production come to life and I think everyone deserves to see that magic. If you are going to book theatre tickets, shop around as much as you can from comparison sites to the show's direct website and be flexible with your dates, and where you sit.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What other tips do you have?

Thank you for reading <3

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