5 ways to look after your mental health in lockdown 2.0

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Lockdown 2.0 has started today and honestly, I have completely mixed emotions about it all. Nothing has really felt normal since the first lockdown. I've been on furlough since April and that's now going to continue due to another lockdown. I've tried to maintain somewhat of a normal routine and keep busy with other projects at that time. Some days it's easy and some days it's hard, but it's about making a new normal for me.

I wrote a post about how to deal with your mental health in lockdown, but after reading that and fully experiencing the last lockdown, there are a few things I'd also add.

5 ways to look after your mental health in lockdown 2.0

Focus on you

Being shut in our houses, there's almost this pressure to use the time to figure our life out or complete our to-do lists that we wouldn't already have the time to do in normal circumstances. However, that's not the case at all. Lockdown is already putting pressure on our mental health as it's a really uncertain time for every single person for various different reasons, and therefore, you shouldn't put that additional pressure on yourself to conquer life. Take the time for you, and what I mean by that is really focus on what you and your body needs.

I had experienced a break up before the last lockdown and my mental health was at an ultimate low, and I used the last lockdown to really focus on my healing process and doing everything I could possibly do to get back to me again. Do what's best for your mental health, live intuitively with your body, and really focus on exactly what you want to do that day, whether you feel productive or just need to relax. Take every day as it comes.

Take social media breaks

I'm very guilty about spending way too much time on social media in general, so when the first lockdown came around, you can imagine that was heightened even more. I would sometimes scroll for hours and not even realise, especially on Instagram and Tik Tok. It's not a healthy thing to do and it really wasn't the best for me and my mental health.

I would advise taking some time away from your phone, having regular social media breaks, and use that time to do something else to focus your mind on. Whether it's reading a book, calling a friend, or watching television; only something that'll sway your mind away from the constant 'perfection' of social media.

Interact as much as you can

Lockdown is unfortunately a time where social interactions are limited. We're not going to family events, meeting up with our best gal pals, or talking nonsense to our work colleagues all day long, and it can be a very lonely time. With that in mind, try not to cut yourself off too much from the outside world and keep social with as many people you can (virtually of course.) Check-in with your friends to see how they are doing, give someone you trust a call if you're not feeling great, and arrange regular Zoom chats with your group. Talking everything out will make this uncertain time a little more normal. 

Practice meditation/listen to calming apps

Regular meditation and learning to find your calm is more beneficial and something I've tried to do a lot more, especially in these uncertain times. I've been doing it before bed, especially on the nights when my anxiety is high and it's really helped. My favourite apps to use are Calm.com and Headspace. 

Writing down 3 things you're grateful for every day

Trying to stay positive in a time like this is difficult, to say the least. There are so many things we've all put on hold, and there has been a lot of bad news for everyone this year. However, there is always something to be grateful for whether it's your health or the fact someone made you smile that day. Each evening, try and think of 3 things you're grateful for and read them over and over before you go to bed. It'll help change your outlook on the whole day and send you to sleep with a positive mindset.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What other mental health tips do you have?

Thank you for reading <3


  1. I think taking care of mental health is so important, ive really struggled the last few months so I've turned to a new exercise regime only weightlifting to make me feel better. great post!

  2. I can't believe we are in another lockdown, it feels like the first one just ended. Taking care of our mental health during these times is super important. I try to make as much time fo myself as possible, by having little pamper evening's whenever I can.

  3. I can't believe we're here again but I guess 2020 isn't done with us just yet
    These tips are great!

  4. These are all great ideas! I am in Scotland so we aren't in full lockdown yet but to be honest I don't think it's going to be long before we are. These are all great tips to stay positive during lockdown.

  5. Lot's of facetime chats will be getting us through, I've pretty much be in lockdown in March!

    Corinne x

  6. These are great tips, Della! We just came out of our lockdown 2.0 (we were locked down for over 6 months!) and it sucks, but you'll get through it :) For me, I didn't put any pressure on myself to be productive but just used it as a time to do all the things I usually "don't have time for" like gaming, reading, watching movies etc xx

    mia // https://beautiful-inspiring-creative-life.com/

    1. Thanks lovely! Oh wow, I'm glad you were able to get through it xx

  7. Great tips Della.


  8. Really useful tips. Journalling really helped me last time to process my feelings and I want to get back to writing down what I'm greatful. My friend posted on insta a win of the day everyday, things like cosied up on the sofa reading all day, and it was such a lovely idea to stay positive!

    Nicola | nicoladaletraining.com

    1. Thank you lovely! I'm so glad journalling helped you - and I love that idea x

  9. These are really helpful tips. I'm hoping this time round that I'll have a more successful lockdown and that I will actually achieve lots. Mental health plays such a big part in that.

  10. Nice post. It's so important to take care of our mental health especially during these times. Nice tips.

  11. It's so important to take care of our mental health, especially in today's circumstances, I hope you will be ok in this lockdown lovely, I'm here if you need a chat about anything. Meditation does help with anxiety and calmness, I do it a couple of times a week and it's so refreshing and relaxing! x

    Lucy | www.lucymary.co.uk

    1. Aww thank you so much Lucy, I really appreciate it! Likewise, I'm here if you need to talk. I'm so glad that helps you xx

  12. It is so so important to look after ours and each other's mental health right now. I was really struggling earlier this week and needed to get my worries off my chest. For me, being creative and not counting down the days helps!!

    Great post, I know it'll help so many!



  13. Social media breaks are soimportant, especially because it is so overwhelming online!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  14. I love this post! The news of another lockdown was horrible but at least now we know not to make the same mistakes we did last lockdown, eg spending too much time on our phones. Hope you're well!!

    1. Thank you lovely!! Yes exactly - hope you're well too xx

  15. Such a lovely post. I definitely think I'm going to be taking some social media breaks and trying to interact with others as much as possible so I don't go crazy inside! Lots of walks too!

  16. Love this! In the last UK lockdown I took plenty of social media breaks to focus on myself - it especially helps when you're going through a break up! I am going to try and leave the house a bit more now that I've been back at work a bit - in the last lockdown, I was really nervous to leave the house! Thanks for sharing, great post! X

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you were able to take those breaks x

  17. Love the post! It is hard for all of us, especially now so we all appreciate some tips x

  18. Love this! I agree, taking Social Media breaks are so important xx


  19. I work in a hospital so I still go into my office. However, I still find myself at weekends going from high to low pretty quick. Social media isn't helping either that's for sure. I do think you can try to use social media in a better way rather than come off completely, for example, I've been reaching out to people and starting conversations - beats the scrolling! We have to try and make the best of it ehh!!

    Hayley || hayleyxmartin

    1. That's a brilliant idea Hayley and a lovely thing to do! Hope you're well xx

  20. These are some really great ideas! I can’t believe we are in another lockdown, I’m hoping it does only last 4weeks, I am trying to spend less time on social media and taking time for myself x

  21. These are some great tips, I know a lot of people will struggle with the second lockdown. I'm quite fortunate in that I'm still going out to work as normal which maintains my usual routine and means I get to interact with others.

  22. I love this post! I definitely need to focus on my mental health this time round xx


  23. Really great tips! Hopefully this lockdown is over much sooner than the last one

  24. These are great tips. I know so many people who struggled through the first one that are worried about this one. I think because I work from home all the time I've been fortunate enough to not struggle as much as a lot of others have x


    1. Thank you lovely! I'm glad you're doing okay xx

  25. Amazing tips Della! This lock down is really playing with our mental health and yes we need to take care of it. I loved reading the whole write up! I am getting positive vibes with your positive thoughts.
    Happy new week!

  26. These are such a great and very helpful tips. I have gratitude diary and practice meditation every day.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/11/ysl-rouge-volupte-shine-oil-in-stick.html

  27. Thanks for sharing these tips, I'm finding in this lockdown that I'm going to try to be more positive :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

  28. Oh no, I read about y'all going back into a lockdown for the next one month. I have no idea what I would do if we had to take such a drastic measure once again. Networking with other bloggers and writing more helped me get through the first lockdown as well. Keep writing and reaching out to the rest of us. Good luck, all the best, and stay healthy!

  29. This is such great advice. I have to say I feel completely differently this time without a doubt, I am really struggling. Thank you for reminding me that it is OK and that stepping back and taking some time could really help. Especially a social media break x x

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