How to bring travel to your home

Well hello to you my reader chums! Like many things right now, travel is completely off the cards and for us travel addicts like myself, it's pretty unfortunate that our travel plans have to be put on hold until the foreseeable future. Although, it's also okay to be sad that your plans aren't going ahead and your feelings are valid, I completely understand travel is a huge privilege and there are worse things going on during than pandemic than not being able to travel.

How to bring travel to your home

However, as we can't travel right now, I thought I would up together a post about how you can bring travel to your home as a way to stay a little positive about what's going on at the minute. Here are a few ideas:

Use the time to reminisce

Since being in lockdown, something I've been doing a lot of is reminiscing and looking back at places I've gone and things I've done. This has been by creating a scrapbook, printing out my photos and filing them away in an album or a frame, flicking through my Instagram highlights and reading my travel diary. It's made me really appreciate everything I've able to do over the past few years in terms of travel and how many places I've actually been to. Get creative and find ways you can reminisce and have fun with it!

Re-create your travel pictures

I've seen the Youtuber and Instagrammer, Elizabeth Everywhere do this and honestly, it made my day. It's such a fun idea and something you can get up to during lockdown. Choose a few of your favorite photos and see if you're able to recreate them whilst at home - the funnier you do it, the better, as I can guarantee it'll make you smile.

Research and plan 

With some of us having more time on our hands, it's the opportunity to get things done you couldn't usually do. And, even though you're unable to travel right now, there's no reason to say you can't research and plan where you want to go when the world is back to normal. I have a long list of the places I want to visit soon and I'm finding this time to research exactly where I want to go, what there is to do and see. It's the perfect time to delve into many travel blog's archives.

Write a travel diary 

Having a travel diary is one of my favorite things to do whilst traveling as you can capture your exact feelings and thoughts at that moment. However, as we can't do that right now, it's also a nice time to start your travel diary and write about your travels so you can document memories and read it back in a few years' time.  Try using images and videos from your travels to jog your memory.

Watch documentaries/videos about places you want to visit

Similar to research, another way to delve into the wonderful world of travel is through videos. Whether it's watching travel vlogs, a documentary or any other TV show you can find, it's a homely way to experience travel and the world without leaving your sofa.

Make funny videos

I've been obsessed with Tik Tok this past week and I've seen lots of funny videos that have cheered up my day. A few I've seen are of families recreating the holiday process of checking in at the airport, going on the plane and being on holiday - all in their home. It looks like so much fun and a funny idea you can do with your loved ones.

I hope you liked this post. Do you have any other fun ways to bring travel home?

Thank you for reading <3


  1. Looks like a great trip. I enjoyed revisiting all those places from my youth.

  2. Great list! I'd love to take a road trip but don't really want the miles on my car - will need to check that compny out!Calgary travel agency

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