5 things I wish I knew in my teens

Well hello to you my reader chums! In just under 2 months time, I'm turning 21 which in itself is a crazy thought. I don't feel anymore of an adult than when I turned the big 18, but over these past 3 years it's safe to say I've become more confident and wiser which I guess comes with age. As I've grown up and gained a bit of life experience since 16 when I started this blog, I wanted to share a few things I've learnt.

Here's 5 things I wish I knew in my teens..

5 things I wish I knew in my teens

1) Don't be scared of the world

The world is a wonderful place. There's so many incredible beaches, landscapes, bustling cities and charming towns to explore, why shouldn't you travel to every little nook? When I was in my younger teens, the thought of venturing to a new location with a completely different culture terrified me. I barely wanted to go anywhere beyond Europe and the thought of flying made my skin crawl. Fast forward a few years later and I have the travel bug. I'm constantly planning a new trip, whether that's a city break or beach trip. I love reading about new cultures and can't wait till the day I can soak it all up. So, my advice to you - travel, wherever and whenever. You won't know what a new country or continent is like until you've seen it with your own eyes. Be a jet setter and see the world whilst you're young.

2) Have a little faith everything will work out

I think when you're at school and the pressure to look a certain way, think what everybody else does or have the future your teachers plan, leaves everyone a little confused in what they want in life. I know when I was at school, everybody had plans to go to university but that wasn't what I wanted and left me even more confused in trying to find myself. Sometimes, we all put a little too much thought into everything instead of letting it fall into place. I'm a great believer in 'everything happens for a reason' and somehow it'll all work itself out. Whether that's a job or relationship, it'll come when its meant to happen. Your struggles mould you into the person you're meant to be, a stronger and wiser soul. So try not to stress when you're unsure with what's the next step in your life, just take it day by day and see what happens.

3) Don't be somebody you're not

Its inevitable in your teens you try to fit in with the crowd as let's face it, we all want to be liked by our peers. But even if you feel included, there's no point pretending to be somebody you're not as it'll only lead to not feeling happy in your own skin. Be weird, quirky and embrace all the flaws you were born with. As even if you feel like the odd one out, you will find friends who like you for you. Stay wild!

4) Open up about your feelings

A problem shared is a problem halved, I'm an avid believer of this. When growing up, there's constant pressure at every turn, school work, how to look, finding yourself etc etc, so if anything is bothering you, talk to someone. That could be to a friend, parent or teacher, talking about your feelings will take the weight off your shoulders and get the reassurance you need. When I was younger, I never did this as I was always afraid people would think I'm crazy, however as I've grown up a bit, I've found speaking up with what's wrong really does help.

5) Don't wear your heart on your sleeve

I'm guilty with this one especially in my teens. I'd describe myself as someone who spreads love out generously to everybody in my life so if they ever do anything to hurt me, I get heart broken very easily. However, life is like that, people will let you down and say horrible things, you've just got to pick yourself right back up. Only throw your feelings into people who really put in the time and effort with you, otherwise you'll be left disappointed. Be strong, be wise and be sassy. Life is too short to get upset over the little things.

I hope you enjoyed this advise style post. What things do you wish you'd known in your teens?

Thank you for reading <3

1 comment

  1. Thank you so much Josie! I really appreciate your lovely feedback xxx


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