The power of rest - how to apply it to your life

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Hands up if you always need to do something productive - that's me. It's the perfectionist and people-pleaser in me; I always thought I needed to do something productive to be and feel successful and fulfilled. 

The power of rest - how to apply it to your life

Over the last few years, I've focused more on relaxing and how to do just that. It may sound odd as many people can naturally relax and enjoy it, whereas I would struggle, thinking I could use that time to do something more productive.

If you struggle to relax or are looking to prioritise rest more, here are my tips on how to apply the power of rest to your life.

Figure out how you can relax and ensure you add it to your day

Everyone relaxes differently as all our our brains are wired uniquely. Whether relaxing to you is reading a book, napping, watching TV or calming exercise, figure out how you like to relax. For me, being cosy on the sofa with a book in hand or watching a show I adore is how I relax, eating something delicious food. Whatever way is your version of relaxing, try and add it to your routine daily or weekly to wind down and take a step out from the busyness of life.

Practice positive affirmations when negative self-talk takes over

For me, sometimes when I try to relax and rest, my brain will tell me 'I'm being lazy' or 'I should be doing more'. I hate when my brain does this but to combat it, positive affirmations work a treat. I tell myself 'Rest is good for my mind and body', 'rest is important' and 'I deserve to rest'. These phrases help rest and relax become a lot easier for me.

Have designated times a day and in the week to rest

When life is crazy busy, whether with work, social obligations or fun plans, we can sometimes forget or not have time to dedicate to resting and relaxing. Every week, look at your plan and schedule as much rest and relaxation as you think is necessary for you. I like to have time each day to unwind and if it's an extra hectic week, a day on the weekend to take it easy.

Understand resting helps you recharge - and is essential

We know our devices can't function without being charged regularly - this is the same with our minds and bodies. We need to regularly rest and recharge to ensure we can function properly and effectively - and feel our best selves. The more you tell yourself that you need to rest and recharge and how essential it is, the more you'll prioritise it.

Embrace days off and bad mental health moments

Feeling down, sad or having a bad mental health day is normal. Learning and telling yourself it is okay, that's another lesson. I've recently tried to embrace days off and bad mental health moments and know they're normal. Know they will pass and you will feel better again. With this mindset, you can care for your mind and body easier.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What would you add?

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