Caring for your mental health in winter

 Well hello to you my reader chums! Caring for my mental health has always been my biggest priority and as I've gotten older, I've become a lot better at it, learning to apply suitable boundaries for me and what works for my body and mind. I find winter in particular, a difficult time for my mental health, as I'm more likely to feel low mood, depressed and lack motivation.

If you struggle with your mental health in the winter months and are unsure what to do, here are my best tips on caring for your mind.

Caring for your mental health in winter

Add fun activities to your agenda

There should be fun in every day, even if it's the littlest of moments. Adding fun activities to your agenda throughout the week can bring you moments of fun and excitement to boost your mood. Everyone has different explanations of what fun is to them, whether that's baking a cake, booking social plans or watching your favourite TV show. Whatever the activity, adding them to your daily and weekly agenda will give you things to look forward to.

Find the little things which feel our cup

We all have little things that fill our cups, whether a phone call with your best friend, a slice of cake or reading a book. Every person functions differently and learning what joys make your heart smile and boost your mood is key to caring for your mental health, especially in the low moments.

Write a gratitude list every day

I speak about gratitude incredibly often because it has been the key to creating a positive mindset and helping me appreciate the little things in life, and fall in love with my life more. Writing a daily gratitude list can help you spot and appreciate the good parts of your day. Even if it's a bad day, you can always find good things that happened, such as the food you ate or your warm bed.

Embrace the power of rest and slowing down

This is a lesson I've been trying to get better at this past year especially, as I'm someone who constantly needs to be productive and tick things off my to-do list. If you're not feeling okay, know it's okay to rest your body and mind as that can help you feel better overall. We should learn what our body needs and know when it's time for us to slow down, embracing our energy levels. Living more intuitively, overall can positively impact your mental health.

Get out and about every day

Such a simple piece of advice, yet a powerful one. Fresh air and vitamin D are important for our physical and mental health, helping boost our mood. Getting out and about should be a daily activity, whether it's running errands or for a walk around the block.

Lean on loved ones when you're not feeling 100%

We're not always going to feel our best selves and that's okay. If you're not feeling great, it's okay to lean on others. Speaking to someone can solve the problem and release stored emotions, helping you overall. A loved one can be a listening ear, help you with a certain task or advise as you need. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. What would you add to the list?

Thank you for reading <3

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