5 daily habits that'll help you feel more fulfilled

 Well hello to you my reader chums! As I've gotten older and dare I say it, wiser, I've learnt more about myself, about life, and really, what's truly important. Status, wealth, and having 'things' aren't the source of my happiness and honestly, I think that's the same for a lot of people. The source of my happiness is the love I have for myself, the people I have around me, the little things in life, and pursuing activities that make my soul happy.

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With learning to change my mindset and discovering what really is important, I've also learnt to feel more fulfilled every day, and that I don't need to be dressed to the nines and surrounding by an exciting setting to feel fulfilled. Don't get me wrong, I love adventures, dressing up, and hanging out with friends in a more social setting, but what I mean is, there are things in life that can help you feel fulfilled without all the flashy elements.

Whether you're feeling a little unhappy with your day-to-day life or looking to feel more fulfilled, here are 5 daily habits to implement in your every day.

Doing some form of exercise

Since I've gotten back into an exercise routine at the beginning of the year, I've felt so much better, mentally and physically, and it gives me some sense of fulfillment. When you exercise, it gets the blood around the body, reduces stress levels, and stimulates the production of endorphins which are the body's natural mood elevators.

I'm not saying you need to run a marathon but finding a form of exercise that suits you will be beneficial to your everyday routine. Whether that's doing a hit dance workout, practicing yoga, going to the gym, for a run or simply, taking a stroll around your local area. Exercise is good in all forms and as long as you're getting your body moving, it'll do you the world of good.

Getting outside at least once a day for some fresh air

Similar to the exercise point, fresh air is so important for your mental wellbeing. It has been proved that getting some fresh air can help improve your blood pressure and heart rate, strengthen the immune system and help to digest food.

Whether that means utilising going out for a walk, or if you don't have the time in your day to make full use of the fresh air, try and pop out in your garden for a couple minutes or out of your front door. It doesn't have to be for a long time, but taking in a fresh gulp of fresh air can give you a moment to pause and take in the surroundings around you.


I wish I knew more about affirmations and meditating growing up, and the benefits that both of them have brought to my mental wellbeing, and helping me become a more confident individual. Meditating doesn't have to be a very long practice, you can do it for 5/10 minutes when you wake or spend a good hour doing it after work to unwind, it's down to you. But what will help, is to let you remain in a positive headspace, be at one with yourself and practice the art of calmness.

Affirmations go hand in hand with mediating, in terms of they can help you think more positively about yourself, your day, and life in general - and help you align with your true self. I love to practice affirmations regularly as they really help reinforce a positive message into my mind. The way I do it is to hold my crystals, and chant my affirmation for the day with my eyes closed so I'm really able to focus on the words. The daily practice has really helped me feel more fulfilled as it means surrounding myself with positive and calm energy.

Reading or listening to a podcast - educating yourself

One of the biggest ways to feel more fulfilled is by learning and growing every day - and that can come through educating yourself. I have a big love for learning, I love to learn new things and grow my knowledge on a lot of things. As they say, knowledge is power, and the more knowledge I have, the more I can help others.

There are a few ways to educate yourself and widen your knowledge, whether that's reading a book, listening to a podcast, reading a blog, watching a documentary, or learning a new language. The list is endless but spending an hour a day on this can really help give you a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, as you're building to become a better and more well-informed version of yourself.

Writing a gratitude list

The art of gratitude is ever so important. I like to think I've always been a very grateful person and feel very privileged in the life I've led so far, however, since I've actually actively begun practicing gratitude, I've become even more grateful. It may sound so simple but writing three things you're grateful for every day can really reinforce positive messaging into your mind, especially if you're having a bad day and suffering from your mental health.

It's also great to keep a log as when you are having a hard day, you can go back through and read through the list. Realising the good things in your life will help outweigh the bad and overall, help you feel more fulfilled.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What other daily habits would you recommend?

Thank you for reading <3


  1. This is a great list! I also love affirmations. And I agree about incorporating exercise in your lifestyle. I used to struggle with being consistent with an exercise routine, but since I started learning KPop dances as a form of exercise, I'm so happy to say that I've been regularly working out since October 2020. Gratitude is also a game-changer!!

    1. Thank you so much! That's great to hear xx

  2. These are all great tips! I love reading and it always makes me feel more fulfilled and completely agree that I wish I knew of affirmations before, such a great tool! x

  3. Exercise honestly makes me feel so bloody good!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  4. Getting outside at least once a day is one of the key things for my mental health, especially on days I can’t be bothered to do it! But I like some of the other ideas on this post too.

  5. So much love reading this!Agreed with all the points, especially with reading articles, listening to podcast which are the things that I found most fulfilling these days cuz that feeds me, my insecurity of not getting much info out of the day with the online learning and you are right! - that by doing these we are developing and growing to be better version of ourselves. Thank you for sharing this Della ��

  6. A really great list - for me I think starting a gratitude journal would be a really great way to gain some focus and clarity on what I feel most grateful for. I also really need to develop a workout routine as I know that whenever I work out it makes me feel good but I just don't do it often enough.

    1. Thank you! I hope these tips work for you xx

  7. Fresh air really can solve so many issues, and I love getting outside and feeling the sun on my face (when it eventually comes out haha). Thank you for sharing these positive habits x

  8. Exercise is the thing that really helps uplift me! Shame I struggle these days with the baby but I do try and go on walks when the weather allows!

    Corinne x

    1. I'm with yo there, hope you can exercise properly soon xx

  9. I'm doing all of thing from list but sometimes is so hard be postive and fulfill.

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  10. This was such a lovely read and great list of daily habits! I love going on walks, especially because we're in lockdown and I'm moving a whole lot less. I'm also a big fan of practicing gratitude so these I already infuse. I recently started listening to podcasts daily, before it was only on long car rides, which I also find helping my mindset! Great list and thanks for sharing.

  11. Perfect list! Daily movement is a big one for me too! I also love consuming spiritual or education content! Thanks so much for sharing love xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

  12. These are great tips! I definitely agree getting outside does improve my mental wellbeing & I love reading blogs & listening to audiobooks!

  13. Getting outside is like my remedy for feeling down. A quick walk around the block with my flipflops on and a good podcast lifts my spirits instantly.
    Love your tips, so simple to do but so effective!


  14. Loved reading this. I've fallen back in love with reading and I love that I'm making time in the day to read even just a chapter of my book. I also have started doing a bit of yoga which I'm kind of enjoying haha. xx

  15. Thanks for sharing, these are all good habits to do each day, I'm finding that doing my exercises from my course helps when I'm going through a rough patch each day :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

  16. This is a great list! Getting out for some fresh air helps me so much, its surprising how much good to does for you - even just a 10 minute walk around the block! Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. These are some great habits that should be practised regularly. Meditation is something I haven’t tried yet but would like to start. Thank you for sharing.


  18. Great tips! I'v been looking into meditation and affirmations lately. I think I need to start doing those practices!

    Rita| https://theeuropeancloset.com/

  19. These are all great tips and I try to use most of them each day. The one thing the pandemic has taught me is the importance of self care. Thanks for sharing

  20. love these suggestions - i already do most of these. Most recently I've been trying positive affirmations and I find these are really helpful.

  21. I love these suggestions Della, one thing that I have started doing is going for a walk outside every day after lunch and I love it, getting that much needed fresh air has done me wonders! x

    Lucy | www.lucymary.co.uk

  22. These are good tips. I need to practice all these as well. Thank you for sharing.

  23. I do find myself going in for a gratitude list, but I love going outside, especially with all the sunshine and warmth coming my way! Falling in love with daily exercise has also given me a deeper understanding of what my body can do and why I need to honor that.
    Thanks so much for sharing some deeply fulfilling practices!

  24. I definitely agree with these and that they help you feel better and stay focused. I love writing my reflection journey and getting into the outdoors for some fresh air and nature :D

    Shannon x

  25. Love this!!! Thanks for sharing.

  26. I really like the idea of a gratitude list! I tried a gratitude journal and it didn't work for me, but saw a gratitude jar, where you write something down each week and save it in the jar!

  27. Exercise always makes me feel so much better!

    Katie | katieemmabeauty.com

  28. Your article allows me to find a way to make life happier and richer.
    Thank you very much!
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  29. Doing some form of exercise,Mediating/affirmations,Reading or listening to a podcast make me more happy and confidence. brazilian lace front wigs

  30. These are great suggestions. Getting outside in the fresh air has definitely helped me in so many ways. I need to get into a routine of working out next.


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