5 things I've learnt about myself this year

 Well hello to you my reader chums! 2020 has certainly been a combination of a unique and difficult year, but although it's not what I expected it to be in any sense, the year panned out with a lot of positives and it's helped me grow in many ways.

5 things I've learnt about myself this year

I've had a lot more time to work on myself this year, pursue different passions and goals, and learn to take a step back. Here are 5 things I've learnt about myself this year.

I've got the strength I didn't even know I had

The year has been incredibly difficult at times, mainly due to my mental health and it's taken a great level of strength to get out of those hard times, I had to face day after day. Some days, I would physically force myself to get out of bed to go to work and I'm so glad I did, as it gave me something to focus on and in the long run, really helped me. As I look back now, feeling a lot better and happier, I admire the strength I had to pull myself through those harder days as if I didn't, I wouldn't have experienced all the amazing things I have this year - and the love of the people I have around me.

The healing process isn't linear

I've learnt a lot about my mental health this year and the whole concept around healing from the breakup to different areas of trauma I've experienced. I've had help with a lifecoach who has really taught me all about my triggers, the way I think and generally how to change my mindset towards living a happier, and more positive life. With all that teaching, I've also learnt that my healing isn't linear and sometimes I can be triggered and experienced a lull again - but as I have more knowledge around triggers, I also have better coping methods.

I don't need to be doing something 24/7

I'm known to be such a busy person and either working, working on my blog, my business or socialising, that I'm not very good at experiencing down time or relaxing. But lockdown and furlough gave me the opportunity to live a slower pace of life and I learnt to relax a lot more - and it benefits me a lot. I've learnt how important it is for my wellbeing and I really don't have to be constantly busy to stay fulfilled.

It's okay to feel all of my emotions

Growing up, I was never one for expressing how I felt as I didn't want to be a burden on anyone else. But this year I've learnt, talking to people and asking for support/help is incredibly important and okay to do. It's okay to feel every single emotion and live through it - it's about how you deal with those emotions is what's important.

To be me - and fully love everything that comes with that

The best thing I've learnt this year is accelerating forward in my self love journey. I've gone through a lot of mental change and lifestyle change; cutting out toxic people, setting boundaries, putting my own needs first, prioritisimg my goals and really focusing on me. By doing all this, I've really learnt to fall in love with myself and also learn the good/bad things about me, and how I can work on them. There has basically been a lot of sorting and healing for me, and I feel so grateful to be where I'm at right now.

I hope you enjoyed this post. What have you learnt about yourself this year?

Thank you for reading <3


  1. These are an amazing set of lessons. Sometimes I think those of us who have been through a lot get more out of life because we have to learn more about ourselves. Keep going!

    1. Thank you lovely! I completely agree with you xx

  2. I have always loved your positive take on life! 2020 has been a trying year for most of us but I'm sure we came out stronger!

  3. This is a great post! This year was such a rollercoaster emotionally for many of us, but we can also get a lot out of this year in teachings. Great way to focus on those!

  4. Thanks for sharing your lessons that you have learned this year :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

  5. Learning you don't need to be busy 24/7 is such an important one. Especially when there's less going on in the world and you have more time, it's easy to feel like you should be doing something all the time. I'm still working on that one 😂


  6. I definitely need this! This is such an inspiration for me. I always think I need to do something in 24/7 and it's not really good for my mental health. I learned a lot from you here x

  7. I love this post! There's such a pressure to always be doing something, and so I'm glad you've learned that this year, it's okay to take some time out x

  8. I loved reading this Della, like you, I learnt that there was a strength within me I didn't know I had to get me through this torrid year! x

    Lucy | www.lucymary.co.uk

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you discovered the strength in you xx

  9. I am glad you learned a lot about yourself xx I completely agree on the doing things 24/7, I learned too during lockdown the need to slow down. Thanks for sharing Della xx

  10. A great analysis! I really believe all the hardships I experienced in life before 2020 prepared me for this, not that I am passing the test, but managing. This text was very helpful!


  11. Such an honest and open post. Thank you for sharing, these are lessons that some of us will never fully learn.

    I can completely agree with the healing process x

  12. It's definitely has helped us grow even its not all positive, but the dark days are mostly what helps us to grow.

  13. Sometimes a hard year is what it takes for us to learn that we can grow and adapt and that all our hidden strength comes to us right when we need it. Often it is the uncomfortable things that help us grow and move forward the most, and that is one of the biggest takeaways from this for me.

    Thank you for sharing this, as well as your wholesome thoughts on the healing process!

    1. That's completely true, thanks for your lovely comment xx

  14. I'm pleased you are able to recognise these things. Sometimes it's hard to see the progres. This year has been tough for a lot of people, I know I have needed to take time out for myself. Lottie x


  15. This is such a great post, really uplifting and lovely to hear about all the things you've learned this year. I'm glad you've cut out the toxicity! This is definitely the kind of positive content I love, so thanks for sharing!

    Anika | chaptersofmay.com

  16. This is a great list and it sounds like you've improved yourself so much despite this horrible year. You should be proud of yourself. I wish for you to continue these steps in 2021 as well. Good luck! :)

  17. I loved the post and I'm so glad that you learn something new about yourself <3


  18. We all learn so muc from this year. Hopefully in 2021 we will learn more from our fun adventures and nice experience.


  19. Good for you to cut yourself some slack! Here's to a less stressful 2021.

  20. This is such a positive post! You have shown so much insight into your personal journey. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I like your story, very inspiring. Keep up the great work.

  22. These are great things. I've definitely also learnt that I don't need to be doing something all the time and it's so nice!

    Tash - A Girl with a View

  23. These are some great lessons, although one REALLY resonated with me! I'm one of those people that is always running a dozen different ways with no downtime. However, with so many things being cancelled in 2020 with all the lockdowns it has forced me to be home and accept that I don't ALWAYS have to be on the go... A novel concept lol

  24. Good for you! You've learned so very valuable lessons. I can relate to a lot of them.


  25. This is such an amazing post! I'm guilty of feeling like I need to be busy 24/7 and it's something I'm trying to work on for sure. It sounds like you've learnt so many valuable lessons this year xx

    Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/

  26. These are fantastic Lessons Della. I am sorry that they year was so tough on you. You definitely aren't alone there. While no one likes to struggle, I am a firm believer that our struggles teach us much more than our triumphs ever could. Some people take advantage of the learning opportunity and some don't. But it looks like you are definitely the type to have made the most of this learning opportunity. Thanks for sharing Della, and I hope 2021 is a little happier!

  27. A great reflection you have here, Della! I never truly understood the power of reflections until recently. Regarding cutting out people though, I think it is a difficult decision to make. Sometimes, it could be just a matter of giving yourself some space without cutting away entirely. Wishing you all the best in 2021!

    Ming Qian | Undergrad Blogger


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