An end of an era: Leaving school 2007-2014

Well hello to you my reader chums, long time no see! It's been a while since I've sat down and written a blog post for you. I've literally been extremely busy with all my a2 exams but I'm happy to say that now they're finally over and all the stress is gone! I've officially finished school which is a really strange thought. I stayed on at my secondary school for sixth form meaning I've been there 7 years and its gone very quickly I must say. I can still remember my first day in year seven seeing all the new people and wonder how I was going to make friends. I have a twin though so I was lucky to have somebody by my side for my secondary school experience.

Over these seven years I've made many amazing memories and had a lot of up and down moments but its made me the person I am today. Usually the friendship group you hang around with in the lower years changes throughout your time in school, however I'm really lucky to say I've kept the same group and our bond is so strong, I wouldn't change them for the world! I know they're going to be friends for life and that they'll always be there for me. Sixth form has been such a learning curve, you realise at that stage that it doesn't matter what anyone else things and you don't have to impress anymore, people just accept you for who you are. I have such a great bunch of friends in the sixth form and we always have a laugh, I'm really going to miss going in the common room and seeing everybody's faces everyday! 

In these past two years studying my A levels, I've grown so much as a person, with my confidence improving and finding my own feet. I owe a huge chunk of that to all the friends in sixth form especially my dance class, we're like a little family. It's really weird not going into that dance studio everyday! Here's two pictures of us:
I've had many hilarious memories with these girlies and I'll miss them so much! 

Before I mentioned my group of friends, here they are: 

These girls are literally my world, through sixth form our bond has grown even more and I love them so much. I can't wait for the future and what it holds for us all, I know we're best friends for life. The bond we have will never be broken and no matter the distance between us, we'll be there for each other always <3 

Thank you for reading this little reminiscent and update post. Now I have no more exams I'll be posting a lot more so watch this space! <3 

1 comment

  1. You all look like such a lovely group of friends! Hope you succeed in everything you want! x


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