I love these kits because they're really easy to apply due to the expert brush given. This brush allows you to easily apply the product onto the hair. My twin did my hair and she found the kit really easy to use because of the laid out instructions and the brush. The recommended time for it to be left on was 25-45 minutes. As Maria spent a while applying the product and blending it through the hair, we left it for under the recommended time, resulting in a more natural look. This time I wanted the blonde to be higher up in my hair so she applied it just above the chin:
Another pic with chummy after she straightened it for me when I was round hers yesterday!
I love the outcome of the ombré and would really recommend the kit to anyone who wants to ombré their hair themselves because its so simple to use. I'm sure if I'd left it on longer, my hair would of gone much blonder, meaning if you'd prefer a more bold blonde increase the time you left it on compared to mine.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this little post. I'll have a post up in a couple of weeks on how I maintain my ombré hair. Also my birthday is this Saturday where I have a lot of exciting things planned and prom is coming up meaning they'll be a few exciting posts coming this way so watch this space! <3
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