Facing your fashion fears | My tips

Well hello to you my reader chums! When it comes to fashion, its safe to stay I like to stick with my comfort zone. wearing that simple little black dress or my classic Joni jeans on an everyday basis. However, lately I've been branching out more, wearing items I never thought I'd be comfortable in and rocking them with confidence.

Body confidence or stepping out of your comfort zone with fashion isn't an easy task and everyone gets there at different stages. Its only over the last year or so I've began wearing items that are a bit more risky and not my usual go to style. Here's a few of my tips, to help you push the boat out with your fashion fears..

1) Baby steps - The main thing when it comes to rocking an outfit is confidence. If you're not feeling confident then you won't feel good in what you're wearing. It's best then to take everything one step at a time. Aren't a big fan of colour? Perhaps gradually add a pop of colour to your outfit until you're fully comfortable in a bold, statement dress. Uncomfortable in heels? Start with a low heel and work your way up to stilettos!

2) Try something new - Unsure how to make that fashion change? Pick something you'd never thought of wearing before and see how you roll with it. Whether that's a playsuit or different cut bikini for the summer, if you don't try you'll never know.

3) Mix and match - When it comes to patterns, I'm as stripe addict. I pretty much own every striped top you can think of and quite a few other pieces. What I haven't done until recently is layer up different patterns and see how they worked. I did it with a camo print jacket and my striped dress, which in my opinion looked ace - I loved that ootd. You can either mix and match patterns or change up colours, the wilder the better.

4) Rock your worst nightmare - Everybody has their insecurities and parts of their body they don't like, but it takes the biggest ounce of confidence to work a fashion piece that shows your insecurity off. I used to be so insecure of my small boobs and the thought of wearing a dress without a bra or anything low cut used to make me shiver. But as I learn to embrace them over time and gradually started to wear pieces without the safety of a bra or slightly revealing dresses, my confidence grew and I could rock my worst nightmare.

5) Be you - Lastly and most importantly, be yourself. When it comes to fashion, there's no right or wrong. It's all about creativity and embracing your look, whatever that may be. If you like bright high heels or eccentric accessories, wear them and strut it. We're all different and wonderful beings which is why experimenting with fashion can be so much fun.

I hope you enjoyed this post Take a look at Dia & Co for their inspiration when it comes stepping out of your fashion comfort zone. What are your best tips to fight your fashion fears?

Thank you for reading <3


  1. Such great tips. I think you can start easy with accessories. Put a pop of colour in those or different pattern, something a little more daring!

    Rachael xox

  2. Some great tips! I definitely need to step out of my comfort zone more.

    Terri / www.territalks.co.uk

  3. These are really good tips I definetely need to try stepping out of my comfort zone more as I stick to the same clothes! X

  4. These are great tips, I love trying out new styles I wouldn't have gone for in the past! x

    Amy | notsomousybrown.com


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